Distance between stable orbits
Posted: 09.01.2004, 19:02
by ajtribick
Any way of working out how far apart two planets must be so that they won't disrupt each others orbits too much?
Posted: 09.01.2004, 19:24
by selden
Well, you could always use a variant of Bode's Law
I dunno if anyone has tried to figure out if something like that might be valid in other systems.
Posted: 10.01.2004, 00:04
by Evil Dr Ganymede
I thought Bode's "Law" broke down for Neptune?
But yeah, the other world design systems I've seen usually assume some variant of Bode's Law.
Posted: 11.01.2004, 22:33
by tony873004
You could run a simulation. Based on your question, I tried this in Gravity Simulator. I placed a planet inbetween Earth and Venus in a circular orbit, and another planet at 2 AUs from the Sun, just exterior to Mars' orbit, also in a circular orbit. After letting the simulation run for about 280,000 years (1 day actual time), I observed that the planet inbetween Earth and Venus quickly departed from a circular orbit. Its orbit kept changing shape, and sometimes intersected Earth's orbit, and at other times intersected Venus' orbit, but never both at the same time. A collision with one of those two planets is probably the new planet's destiny. The planet at 2 AUs had its orbit get more and more elliptical. Right now its at .2 eccentricity, but I suspect that this will increase if I let the simulation run longer. It will probably reach some maximum level and then begin getting more circular with time, and then repeat the process over and over again. I believe this explains Mars' high eccentricity. I think Jupiter just tugs it into and out of round. Maybe later I'll remove Jupiter and try it again just to see if Jupiter is the cause.
Posted: 12.01.2004, 00:54
by granthutchison
I've never understood how Titius-Bode has retained popularity for so long - with a smallish random dataset you can come up with a similar numerical relationship more often than not.
Solar System Dynamics manages to dispose of it by page 8. After a statistical examination of the supposed regularity in spacing of the major Uranians, they conclude: "There is no compelling evidence that the uranian satellite system is obeying any relation similar to the Titius-Bode 'law' beyond what would be expected by chance. This leads us to suggest that the 'law' as applied to other systems, including the planets themselves, is also without significance."