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Mars Exploration Rover landing party at IRC with NASA :-)

Posted: 04.01.2004, 00:39
by Jugalator
Some guys from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory have set up an IRC channel on the server, on the standard IRC port 6667 in channel #maestro. Join us if you wish to celebrate the touch down live with NASA. :) Right now there are two NASA guys in there and people are asking them various questions.

MER Home:

Expected landing times: The rover "Spirit" -- about 8:35 pm PST, the rover "Opportunity" -- about 9:05 pm PST. Both January 3.

Posted: 04.01.2004, 00:43
by Guest
Sorry -- that should be and nothing else.

Posted: 04.01.2004, 02:00
I've got another link to the NASA TV Landing Page;

Now all I've got to do is work out what Pacific Standard Time is compared to over here in England, so I don't miss it. :?

Posted: 04.01.2004, 15:12
by ElPelado
JUGALATOR, Are you sure about this:
Expected landing times: The rover "Spirit" -- about 8:35 pm PST, the rover "Opportunity" -- about 9:05 pm PST. Both January 3

The oportunity will try to land in two weeks...

Posted: 05.01.2004, 01:09
by Jugalator
Yes, I obviously goofed up there (too). Sorry for that. I was kinda excited about the landing when writing that, and that combined with already starting to get tired (surely 3-4 am when I wrote it). :)