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Space wedding

Posted: 11.08.2003, 00:08
by JackHiggins
Yuri Malenchenko on the ISS got married earlier today, in the first ever event of it's kind in orbit.

Congratulations Yuri! :D

Afterthought: I wonder if they have Celestia installed on the ISS? They do have net access after all...

Posted: 11.08.2003, 07:05
by don
Congratulations Yuri and Ekaterina Image

The full story can be read here, at CNN:

Posted: 12.08.2003, 03:03
What a brilliant picture on that CNN webpage, I love the way they've stuck a bow tie on the cardboard cutout of Yuri in his astronaut gear!!! :lol:

I also like your emoticons, I'd say they're drinking a toast to the bride and groom each with a pint of Timothy Taylors Best Bitter!

It's definately not bh's ESB cos there's too much head for a flat Southern beer like his favourite pint :wink:

and it can't be Murphys either 'cos it's the wrong colour!


Posted: 12.08.2003, 05:36
by don
I thought that cardboard cutout was a pretty neat idea too. Probably the first time anyone had a cardboard stand-in at their own wedding Image.

Go Russia! That's two more "firsts" in the record books.

-Don G.