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Help! My Unicorn run away... (REDEEMED)

Posted: 10.07.2003, 21:15
by t00fri

Warped extra dimensions ahead!

Bye Fridger;-)

Posted: 10.07.2003, 23:34
by -Shadow-
I Think I'll go with the warped thing...
The idea of a picture looking similar to a Black Hole, I like it :mrgreen:

- Shadow

Posted: 11.07.2003, 00:43
by Rassilon
sort of like in those b movies when something gets sucked into a time vortex....I like the bouncy effect of the fabric of reality when everything stablizes again after the object gets warped....boii-iing

Posted: 11.07.2003, 01:57
by Paul
Um... is this Celestia-related? I don't mind if it's off-topic, I was just a little confused about it... 8O :roll:


Posted: 11.07.2003, 13:01
by t00fri
Paul wrote:Um... is this Celestia-related? I don't mind if it's off-topic, I was just a little confused about it... 8O :roll:


NOT YET sorry, it should rather go to Physics and Astronomy, of course;-). Half of my Theoretical Physics department works on warped extra dimensions...

Another good place for my post would be the Purgatory, since the very HOT topic of warped extra dimensions may just be a little too weired for this comunity. And for Celestia, which instead rests on the solid footing of celestial mechanics in 4 dimensions;-)

Bye Fridger

Posted: 11.07.2003, 14:42
by marc
Have you been drinking and posting again Fridger?

Posted: 11.07.2003, 16:05
by t00fri
marc wrote:Have you been drinking and posting again Fridger?

What do you mean? I am dead serious and entirely sober...

But sometimes I tend to approach things just a little different and perhaps also in a somewhat provocative manner;-).

Of course, the stupid Unicorn above has got nothing to do with warped extra dimensions, which indeed is a very hot and active research subject at present.

1) Provocative?

Well, I wanted to see how easy it is for me to end up in the Purgatory;-), despite the fact that the above subject is ACTUALLY a most intriguing and serious one in theoretical physics...So I just disguised it a little! And I confess, I was a bit malicious here...

2) Sensing potential interest in the actual issue of extra dimensions.

Believe me, I can immediately switch to become a most devoted and serious 'lecturer' on these issues, but only if I feel there is real interest in such matters...

Does this answer your question, Marc?

Bye Fridger

Posted: 11.07.2003, 16:11
by granthutchison
In an attempt to hasten the shift to Purgatory - am I right, Fridger, in thinking I recognize this particular unicorn as coming from the director's cut of Blade Runner?


Posted: 11.07.2003, 16:26
by t00fri
granthutchison wrote:In an attempt to hasten the shift to Purgatory - am I right, Fridger, in thinking I recognize this particular unicorn as coming from the director's cut of Blade Runner?


;-) I chose the unicorn only to please LadyHawke;)

As detailed above, it is completely irrelevant to my real motivations for my post. Hence, it will not surprise you that I just picked it up from the Google Image search engine without thinking a minute about it...

Off with us all to the Purgatory, except if we can 'seduce' Chris to participate in this discussion;-)

Bye Fridger


Posted: 11.07.2003, 16:39
by Pixel
are you mean warped extra dimensions or you mean collapsed extra dimensions?
read somewhere that according to string theory the BigBang could be nothing more but collapsing of some dimensions ;)

Re: warped?

Posted: 11.07.2003, 17:05
by t00fri
Pixel wrote:are you mean warped extra dimensions or you mean collapsed extra dimensions?
read somewhere that according to string theory the BigBang could be nothing more but collapsing of some dimensions ;)

Hey Pixel,

nice to see that you are still around! Your question is already a relatively serious one. Do you want me to become 'serious', too?;-)


String theory is an extension of normal point-field theory, where the smallest entries ('particles') are not points but extended strings! Unlike mass points, strings are characterized by another dimensionful quantity: the so-called string tension. This makes a huge difference in the behaviour of such a theory!

String theory is the often acclaimed TOE =Theory Of Everything

It indeed includes all known interactions, notably also gravity! The particularly hot issue is that string theorists even claim they can make statements right after the big bang, when the curvatures involved are so large that even general relativity is bound to break down!

Basic arguments of consistency force string theory to 'live' in 10 (or 11) dimensions NOT in 4 to start. So 6 dimensions have to 'collapse' as you say, in order that our 4-dim world may be properly described. We call this phenomenon 'compactification'. The collapse would take place into tiny 6-dim spheres (in the very simplest case) that are attached to each 4 dimensional space-time point!

How tiny are those compactified extra dimensions really?? In case of our unicorn above they were assumed huge such that our poor animal got sucked away into one of these 6-dim spheres;-)

So my unicorn example, was about as malicious like my thread about light speed being just as slow as the speed of sound...

Bye bye Fridger

Posted: 11.07.2003, 17:51
by LadyHawke
t00fri wrote:
;-) I chose the unicorn only to please LadyHawke;) did grab my attention when i saw the title of the thread last nite :wink:

Posted: 11.07.2003, 17:55
by t00fri
LadyHawke wrote:
t00fri wrote:
;-) I chose the unicorn only to please LadyHawke;) did grab my attention when i saw the title of the thread last nite :wink:

Lady H.:

good you are back. So I suppose we are now all going to move together to the Purgatory...

Bye Fridger

Posted: 11.07.2003, 17:59
by LadyHawke
I never left....and i couldnt think of better friends to be in purgatory with :wink:

Sex is not possible !

Posted: 11.07.2003, 18:19
by Pixel
nice to see you too Fridger. I like TOEs too.

Well, ok - let be serious. Sex uses motion. It contains a remarkable mystery, worth a second look:
- motion is the change of position with time of some bodies.
- position is what we measure with a ruler. Time is what we measure with clock. Both rulers and clocks are bodies.
- a body is an entity dostinct from its environment by its shape or its mass. Shape is the extension of a body in space (and time). Mass is measured by measuring speed or acceleration, i.e. by measuring space and time.
This means that we define space-time with bodies - as done in detail in general relativity. and that we define bodies with space-time - as done in detail in quantum theory. This circular reasoning shows that making love is truly a mystery! The circular reasoning as i know has not been eliminated yet. could String t. do so?

Well Fridger, I am more about philosophy then serious phisics. Personally I even do not believe that external world could exists without me ;). The BigBang could very well begin with me - when I first start to breath and first start to feel. I like to think that the Universe is created by our consciousness and vice-versa. At least this one explains why the Universe gets bigger and bigger along with capabilies of our telescopes. Why is it so? Every time you start to analyze some aspect of the world - another new world appears in sudden ;). Plato, Newton, Einstein .. all of them are telling the truth equally. Every point of view is right and form what we call real universe.

t00fri wrote:So my unicorn example, was about as malicious like my thread about light speed being just as slow as the speed of sound...

Ok! Now, what is the speed of dark?

Posted: 11.07.2003, 18:21
by Mikeydude750
<insert complex forumla here> ;)

Re: Sex is not possible !

Posted: 11.07.2003, 18:29
by t00fri
Pixel wrote:nice to see you too Fridger. I like TOEs too.

Well, ok - let be serious. Sex uses motion. It contains a remarkable mystery, worth a second look:
- motion is the change of position with time of some bodies.
- position is what we measure with a ruler. Time is what we measure with clock. Both rulers and clocks are bodies.
- a body is an entity dostinct from its environment by its shape or its mass. Shape is the extension of a body in space (and time). Mass is measured by measuring speed or acceleration, i.e. by measuring space and time.
This means that we define space-time with bodies - as done in detail in general relativity. and that we define bodies with space-time - as done in detail in quantum theory. This circular reasoning shows that making love is truly a mystery! The circular reasoning as i know has not been eliminated yet. could String t. do so?

Well Fridger, I am more about philosophy then serious phisics. Personally I even do not believe that external world could exists without me ;). The BigBang could very well begin with me - when I first start to breath and first start to feel. I like to think that the Universe is created by our consciousness and vice-versa. At least this one explains why the Universe gets bigger and bigger along with capabilies of our telescopes. Why is it so? Every time you start to analyze some aspect of the world - another new world appears in sudden ;). Plato, Newton, Einstein .. all of them are telling the truth equally. Every point of view is right and form what we call real universe.

t00fri wrote:So my unicorn example, was about as malicious like my thread about light speed being just as slow as the speed of sound...

Ok! Now, what is the speed of dark?


If we now even start contemplating about the role of SEX in this involved context, there will for sure be no escape from the Purgatory!

We simply will be doomed;-)

So, while being almost unable to resist;-), I shall not answer.

Bye Fridger

Posted: 11.07.2003, 20:05
by granthutchison
Just to get back to the unicorn for a moment... The vexed and mysterious image of the unicorn in Blade Runner has much to say about the nature of reality and our perception of it, and I rather hoped Fridger was making a visual pun.
But (sigh) apparently not. And now I've looked at it again, I begin to fear that it might be the unicorn from Legend, instead. In which case Purgatory is too good a place for it ...


Posted: 11.07.2003, 20:24
by t00fri
granthutchison wrote:Just to get back to the unicorn for a moment... The vexed and mysterious image of the unicorn in Blade Runner has much to say about the nature of reality and our perception of it, and I rather hoped Fridger was making a visual pun.

;-) Despite all my claims, why don't you make a little back of the envelope estimate with which probability my choice of an unicorn in my 'visual pun' was accidental?

I could have taken lots of objects being sucked away into extra dimensions. Right? Oh, yes, I forgot...I said it before: LadyHawke.
But (sigh) apparently not. And now I've looked at it again, I begin to fear that it might be the unicorn from Legend, instead. In which case Purgatory is too good a place for it ...

Unfortunately, I am not an expert concerning director's cuts of movies and the like. So here I clearly deserve the trashcan rather than this noble Purgatory to which we all seem to be striving;-)

Bye bye Fridger

Posted: 11.07.2003, 20:33
by Don. Edwards
Ah but Legend and Bladrunner are both Riddley Scott Films!