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Life on Mars and/or Europa

Posted: 27.06.2003, 20:01
by JackHiggins
I know there's already a topic going about Intelligent Life on other planets, but I wanted to see what everyone thought about the reasonable chance that there might be some form of life on Mars or Europa.

Your opinions please?!! :D

Posted: 28.06.2003, 19:07
by Guest
Of course the best answer is I don't know you ask for opinions :)
In the coming decades as we explore Mars hopefully Europa and maybe one day Titan, I'd be shocked if we didn't find evidence of life.

Re: Life on Mars and/or Europa

Posted: 28.06.2003, 19:47
by Jeam Tag
JackHiggins wrote:I know there's already a topic going about Intelligent Life on other planets, but I wanted to see what everyone thought about the reasonable chance that there might be some form of life on Mars or Europa.
Your opinions please?!! :D

There are 2 questions, and the answers are "maybe" :lol:

Mars: maybe a start of life, stopped by planet history, many times ago..
We are not in a Burroughs, Steinbaum or Bradbury story...

Europa: maybe primitive forms of life fixed in the presumed subocean: on Earth, there are some "animals" like Tardigradus witch are sleeping many centuries when the climat is to cold for them!
but we are not in a ACClarke novel, and Europa's creatures can't develop fastly, for the moment :-)

Posted: 28.06.2003, 20:52
by ElPelado
I really don't know what to think. I want life to be found in both places, but I don't know what to think...
If there is unicelular life on mars, it will be very difficult to find it, becasue we have to be very lucky that the rovers will land just in that place. maybe there is life in the polar regions, but the rovers will be near the equator, so we won't know it.