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Discover the oldest star in the universe

Posted: 26.12.2018, 09:16
by jonh8599
A group of astronomers in Australia have discovered a star that is believed to be one of the most "senior" stars in the universe.
The Cosmic Radar detects a mysterious radio signal, unknown origin
According to the study published on November 5, the scientists say the star lies in the same Milky Way galaxy as the solar system, thought to be "born" 13.5 billion years ago with evidence that The physical structure of this star has extremely low amounts of metal.

The co-author of the study, Dr. Andrew Casey said that researchers used to think that the first stars formed in the universe could not exist today. However, this finding is important because for the first time, humans can give direct evidence that the stars born in the early stages of the universe really exist and can exist until the day. This is not self-destructive. The metal content of stars increases as they cycle and form, leading to the formation of more heavy metals.

However, stars formed at the beginning of the universe will consist of most elements such as hydrogen, helium and a small amount of lithium, meaning the extremely low metal content of the newly discovered star, shows that this star may have been the first generation of stars since the beginning of the universe.

Until about 1990, scientists believed that only large stars could be formed in the early stages of the universe and never observed them because they burned their fuel very quickly and died. go. However, this new information demonstrates that there may be stars that exist up to 13 billion years from the Big Bang, such as the Red Star, which is part of the Sun, thought to exist in trillions of years

Posted: 22.05.2019, 13:43
by Gurren Lagann
The Methuselah Star's age is controversial to some, and also impossible because the Universe is only 13.8 billion years old, so it may not actually count.

Posted: 24.05.2019, 04:40
by Joey P.
The oldest star is SMSS J031300.36-670839.3
it suits the first quotation - it was first observed by astronomers from Australia.