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Gaia DR2 postponed

Posted: 10.02.2017, 17:18
by selden
The second Gaia Data Release has been postponed until April, 2018. :(


Posted: 11.02.2017, 09:39
by john71
Look at the bright side of it. The Celestia Developement Team now will have the time to enable Celestia 2.0 to handle the one billion star data...

Added after 1 minute 45 seconds:
By the way, Gaia Sky feels like a very bad (not user friendly) version of Celestia..:)

Added after 1 minute 43 seconds:
Competition, competition...:)

Added after 2 minutes 49 seconds:
Wait a minute: if Gaia Sky is open source...can it help to develop Celestia 2.0?