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Curiosity have analyzed it's first soil sample

Posted: 03.12.2012, 21:11
by kristoffer
Curiosity rover have found, some sort of a complex chemistry, as well as hints of long-sought organic compounds that could aid primitive life

NASA's Mars Curiosity rover has used its full array of instruments to analyze Martian soil for the first time, and found a complex chemistry within the Martian soil. Water and sulfur and chlorine-containing substances, among other ingredients, showed up in samples Curiosity's arm delivered to an analytical laboratory inside the rover.

Detection of the substances during this early phase of the mission demonstrates the laboratory's capability to analyze diverse soil and rock samples over the next two years. Scientists also have been verifying the capabilities of the rover's instruments.

Now they need to determine if this has been on Mars, or the Curiosity rover brought it with it from Earth. ... 21203.html