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New leap second for June 30, 2012

Posted: 30.06.2012, 08:22
by PlutonianEmpire ... urday.html

The transition from June to July will be delayed by circumstances beyond everyone's control. Time will stand still for one second on Saturday evening (June 30) because a "leap second" will be added to let a lagging Earth catch up to super-accurate clocks.

International Atomic Time is a very accurate and stable time scale. It is a weighted average of the time kept by about 200 atomic clocks in over 50 national laboratories worldwide. Atomic time is measured through vibrations of atoms in a metal isotope that resembles mercury and can keep time to within a tenth of a billionth of a second per day. The result is extremely accurate time that can be used to improve synchronization in precision navigation and positioning systems, telecommunications networks and deep-space communications.
So, I take it it's time for a Celestia update? :p

Or is it already in the internal clock? :)

Re: New leap second for June 30, 2012

Posted: 30.06.2012, 19:10
by symaski62

Code: Select all

Une seconde suppl?mentaire sera introduite ? la fin de Juin 2012. La s?quence horaire sera la suivante :
2012 Juin 30, 23h 59m 59s
2012 Juin 30, 23h 59m 60s
2012 Juillet 1, 0h 0m 0s
La diff?rence entre UTC et le TAI (International Atomic Time) est :
du 1er Janvier 2009, 0h UTC, au 01 Juillet 2012 0h UTC : UTC-TAI = - 34s
du 01 Juillet 2012, 0h UTC, jusqu'? la prochaine notice : UTC-TAI = - 35s