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Chang'e 2 Lunar Map Released

Posted: 08.02.2012, 02:26
by Hungry4info
Chang'e 2 Lunar Map. 1.4 GB (comprssed) JP2 format.
ftp://DataRelease:1q2w124@ ... 50m-sc.rar

And here's a site you can browse it online. It's impressive.

Re: Chang'e 2 Lunar Map Released

Posted: 08.02.2012, 11:57
by t00fri
Hungry4info wrote:Chang'e 2 Lunar Map. 1.4 GB (comprssed) JP2 format.
ftp://DataRelease:1q2w124@ ... 50m-sc.rar

And here's a site you can browse it online. It's impressive.

Impressive indeed! Here is just a zoom-in of the Tycho crater wall...
[Click on image by all means!]


Re: Chang'e 2 Lunar Map Released

Posted: 09.02.2012, 01:42
by Hungry4info
I don't suppose your F-TexTools works with JP2 format?
Edit: Nevermind, goofy question when I can convert it with FWTools...

Re: Chang'e 2 Lunar Map Released

Posted: 09.02.2012, 11:24
by t00fri
Hungry4info wrote:I don't suppose your F-TexTools works with JP2 format?
Edit: Nevermind, goofy question when I can convert it with FWTools...

Remember our long threat about the 64k Celementine moon map? Same problem there.

One uses GDAL (FWTools) to convert JP2 -> PNG format. For GDAL/JP2 the maximum file size is specified as 2 GB on the GDAL site.

Then you use my F-TexTools with the png-> signed 16bit bin conversion tool (png2bin.exe) as the first command in the pipeline.

The big drawback is that GDAL is extremely slow for such big textures. One simply has to try with patience.

Note that the newest version of my F-TexTools allows to generate directly high-quality DDS output tiles (txtilesDXT.exe). Links are at CM.


Re: Chang'e 2 Lunar Map Released

Posted: 09.02.2012, 23:24
by Hungry4info
Right, I remembered about the FWTools, but when I was trying to convert the JP2 file to a PNG, the gdal_translate programme did not work right. Does it work under Windows 7? Looking around on the internets, someone mentioned that FWTools failure to work on Windows 7 was the "final nail in the coffin for using FWTools in Windows."

Re: Chang'e 2 Lunar Map Released

Posted: 09.02.2012, 23:52
by t00fri
Hungry4info wrote:Right, I remembered about the FWTools, but when I was trying to convert the JP2 file to a PNG, the gdal_translate programme did not work right. Does it work under Windows 7? Looking around on the internets, someone mentioned that FWTools failure to work on Windows 7 was the "final nail in the coffin for using FWTools in Windows."

I now downloaded the *.JP2 archive. Let's see how the conversion will go. I'll try Win32 XP, Win 7 (64bit) and Linux. In case of success, I'll offer the signed 16bit map at CM for download.

I remember that I had no problems with GDAL under Linux when converting the 64k Celementine map. I'll get back here...


Re: Chang'e 2 Lunar Map Released

Posted: 10.02.2012, 15:48
by t00fri
Here is a short intermediate status:

The conversion from jp2 format to PNG took about 4 hours with 'gdal_translate' under Linux!
The moon texture file is HUGE:

Texture size: 213.4k x 106.6k. grayscale. The PNG file size is 8.45 GB!

The texture size is neither 2:1 nor a power-of-two. Not sure yet what I will do about this...

I suppose I'll prepare a 32k x 16k "thumbnail" ;-) thereof in order to be able to examine the quality etc without excessive time delays. As a final matched VT tile set of base texture and normal map I could envisage 32k or 64k sizes.

GDAL is unstable under Win32 XP despite its higher version number. libpng errors etc. So I switched to Linux which as usual turned out to be a reliable working horse.


Re: Chang'e 2 Lunar Map Released

Posted: 10.02.2012, 23:42
by CAP-Team
Would be great if you could pull that off, t00fri!

Re: Chang'e 2 Lunar Map Released

Posted: 13.02.2012, 05:45
by John Van Vliet
--- edit ---

Re: Chang'e 2 Lunar Map Released

Posted: 13.02.2012, 22:40
by abramson
Yeah, but what do we want disk space for if it's not to fill it up with beautiful planetary maps!

Re: Chang'e 2 Lunar Map Released

Posted: 13.02.2012, 22:43
by abramson
There is a post by Phil Stooke comparing this new map to LRO's at Emily's place:

Re: Chang'e 2 Lunar Map Released

Posted: 14.02.2012, 11:49
by t00fri
Many images of my ongoing work with the great Chang'e 2 imaging data of the moon surface may be found in my CM thread:
