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Terrestrial planet discovered in Gliese 581's Habitable Zone

Posted: 30.09.2010, 23:05
by Sen
:D :D
Yesterday (September 29th), astronomers discovered 2 new planets in the Gliese 581 system (bringing the total up to 6). One of them, Gliese 581g, is thought to be around 3-4 Earth masses and lies within Gliese 581's habitable zone, between c and d (thought to also have conditions allowing for the existence of liquid water, but now the general consensus is that c is too hot and d is too cold).

Maybe third time's the charm for this system? :lol:

Re: Terrestrial planet discovered in Gliese 581's Habitable

Posted: 01.10.2010, 15:11
by Cham

Re: Terrestrial planet discovered in Gliese 581's Habitable

Posted: 11.10.2010, 21:54
by ajtribick
Or maybe not. Apparently in one of the presentations at the IAU Symposium it was mentioned that new HARPS data do not find planet g. Not sure about planet f, but Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia has demoted it to "unconfirmed" as well. There's a post about it on Dynamics of Cats.