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What's your favorite star?

Posted: 18.07.2010, 19:28
by PlutonianEmpire
Which star in the night sky is your favorite star, and why?

Mine is Delta Trianguli, because according to current knowledge, it is a tight binary star that is not only relatively close to Earth (34 LY), but also whose orbits are of low eccentricity, and is somewhat visible in the night sky here on Earth.

What's yours?

Re: What's your favorite star?

Posted: 18.07.2010, 20:14
by Hungry4info

Easy to see, and you can point to it and say "A planet orbits that star."

Re: What's your favorite star?

Posted: 18.07.2010, 20:47
by Chuft-Captain
Pollux' twin brother:

... because he has more buddies. :)

Re: What's your favorite star?

Posted: 19.07.2010, 16:24
by MKruer
Second star to the right. :mrgreen:

Re: What's your favorite star?

Posted: 20.07.2010, 01:08
by InconspicuousBarrel
Albireo! A binary system that looks very cool!

Re: What's your favorite star?

Posted: 21.07.2010, 05:09
by MKruer
Eta Carinae
Too bad it will not last. It just looks freaking awesome :mrgreen: ... arinae.jpg

Re: What's your favorite star?

Posted: 30.07.2010, 20:24
I don't know which star IRL is my favorite, but in Spore, Sol is my favorite, simply because Earth is in orbit around Sol and and it's really hard to find in Spore. IRL, though, Sol is easy to find. Just look for that blindingly bright spot in the sky! :mrgreen:

Re: What's your favorite star?

Posted: 02.08.2010, 22:05
by zhar2
sirius a and b

Re: What's your favorite star?

Posted: 02.08.2010, 22:14
by t00fri
zhar2 wrote:sirius a and b

Did you ever spot Sirius B with a telescope? It's not so easy (in the real world).


Re: What's your favorite star?

Posted: 04.08.2010, 22:03
by Reiko
My favorite one is the one I can see. There is so much air and light pollution it's hard to see any stars at night. :(

Re: What's your favorite star?

Posted: 15.08.2010, 05:54
by d.m.falk
Alpha Centauri star system
Gliese 581
Tau Ceti



Re: What's your favorite star?

Posted: 20.08.2010, 01:00
by Splinterfrag
Either ?Carinae or Betelgeuse.

Re: What's your favorite star?

Posted: 02.09.2010, 19:49
by Sunchaser
Tegmine...all 5 of them.

Nunki is a close second...I like things from antiquity.

Re: What's your favorite star?

Posted: 20.04.2011, 23:35
by TranslightDefender
I'd have to say Sol.
Because without it, I would get very cold. :wink:
Hungry4info wrote:Pollux.

Easy to see, and you can point to it and say "A planet orbits that star."
That'd probably be my second choice.

Re: What's your favorite star?

Posted: 06.05.2011, 01:50
by starguy84
I always look for Alpha Cen, Castor/YY Gem, Epsilon Eri, Gl 644/643, 55 Cnc, and Regulus. Alpha Cen ABC 'cause it's the closest system, Epsilon Eridani 'cause it's the closest planetary system, Gl 644ABCD/643 because it's the busiest system in 10 pc/32.6 light years, Castor ABCD/YY GemAB because it's the most multiplicitous system within 25 pc/81.5 light years, 55 Cnc AbcdefB because it's got the most planets, and Regulus ABCD because it's got the closest B star. (and because I'm on the paper that discovered Regulus D.)

Sometimes I also look for Epsilon Indi, 'cause it's another super-wide system like Alpha Cen, only with one red dwarf and two T dwarfs...

Re: What's your favorite star?

Posted: 06.05.2011, 21:45
by CAP-Team
Mine is Vega in Lyra. During summer this is one of the stars that's first visible through the naked eye after sunset.
Also because Vega has a dust disk surrounding it, makes it a very interesting object.