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LCROSS/LRO impact viewing locs (09-Oct-2009 11:31:19 UTC)

Posted: 08.10.2009, 11:58
by Chuft-Captain
This celURL shows the hemisphere of Earth facing the moon at the approximate time of the first impact (Centaur impact time: 09-Oct-2009 11:31:19 UTC):

Earth as seen from Shackleton crater at approximate LCROSS/LRO Impact time.Image

If you're in the Moon facing hemisphere, you may be able to see it live.
You will however need a reasonably large aperture telescope (10-12 inch) if you want to see anything.

Unfortunately, at my location, the Moon will be just below the horizon (and I don't have access to a telescope in any case. :( )

Re: LCROSS/LRO impact viewing locs (09-Oct-2009 11:31:19 UTC

Posted: 09.10.2009, 01:41
by John Van Vliet
--- edit ---

Re: LCROSS/LRO impact viewing locs (09-Oct-2009 11:31:19 UTC)

Posted: 09.10.2009, 08:55
by Chuft-Captain
[tex]1\frac{1}{2}[/tex] hours to go.