I've been doing a bit of investigation into the distribution of bright stars on the celestial sphere. The distribution of bright stars is quite uneven.
At this time of the year, as seen from temperate latitudes in the southern hemisphere, there is a short period in the early evening when 24 of the brightest 30 stars are all above the horizon. The only six stars of the brightest 30 that are below the horizon at that time are Vega, Capella, Altair, Fomalhaut, Deneb and Alnair.
It also follows that in late October and early November, these six stars are the only stars of the brightest 30 that are above the horizon from mid-northern latitudes.
The distribution of bright circumpolar stars is also skewed in favour of southern skies. Out of the brightest 30 stars, Canopus, Alpha Centauri, Achernar, Hadar, Acrux, Mimosa, Gacrux and Miaplacidus are all circumpolar in mid-southern latitudes. The brightest star that never rises above the horizon as seen from mid-southern latitudes is Alioth in the Big Dipper.
If I can get hold of a fisheye lens and a good camera, I hope to take a photograph next April that shows this, similar to today's Astronomy Picture of the Day. It would be a quite convincing demonstration that southern skies are not full of boring, faint constellations.