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Cassini photographs of Saturn and her moons

Posted: 22.04.2009, 16:38
by asteroid ... -life.html

Sorry if that is a dupe, but there are some pretty cool pictures in that story.

Example (hotlinked)
Small, battered Epimetheus before Saturn's A and F rings, and and smog-enshrouded Titan beyond. The colours here are artificial in order to approximate the scene as it might appear to human eyes

Re: Cassini photographs of Saturn and her moons

Posted: 22.04.2009, 17:02
by Spaceman Spiff
Greetings asteroid!

I can't fault your taste in great shots! but you can find more if you get closer to the source at NASA's Photojournal ( That one is here: It was taken on 28 Apr 2006.

Thumbnailing/URLing is a great way to save the planet - those image servers eat and drink fossil fuels!


Re: Cassini photographs of Saturn and her moons

Posted: 29.12.2009, 12:06
by RVS

Re: Cassini photographs of Saturn and her moons

Posted: 29.12.2009, 17:45
by Chuft-Captain