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Liquid on Titan!

Posted: 01.08.2008, 22:03
by BobHegwood
See one AP press release located HERE.
It has been confirmed that Titan's surface does feature liquid lakes.
I guess we'll know where the oil companies are going to be drilling next. :wink:

Re: Liquid on Titan!

Posted: 02.08.2008, 00:51
I would agree with you bob,I guess Titan would be their holy grail :wink:

I guess it wouldn't take them long to ruin the moon,just as well it is out of reach for them :lol:


Re: Liquid on Titan!

Posted: 02.08.2008, 02:56
by Hungry4info
It's time for a specmap :wink:

Re: Liquid on Titan!

Posted: 05.08.2008, 07:08
by volcanopele
Unfortunately, the current market value for the natural gas reserves in the largest sea on Titan (assuming an average depth of 10 meters) is only 20.43 trillion USD. The cost to retrieve the methane would be more than the available reserves given current technology and the market value of natural gas.

Re: Liquid on Titan!

Posted: 05.08.2008, 15:19
by Hungry4info

Well okay. Then we can cut costs, and simply not return from Titan. Industrialise Titan and make it our new home?