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Gravity Probe web site

Posted: 14.06.2008, 19:11
by Cham
I just wanted to show an extremely interesting web site (at least from my point of view), about gravity and probes. Here's the main web page :

and take time to watch the videos here :

Actually, I already was interested in the Gravity Probe B experiment since years, way before I knew about Celestia. I contacted the GP team by email to ask if they could (?) send us a 3ds model of the probe for Celestia (fingers crossed). I'm extremely interested to see their experiment performed into Celestia's space too ! ;)

Re: Gravity Probe web site

Posted: 14.06.2008, 20:38
by BobHegwood
Hey, thanks for that link Martin. Very interesting (and educational) too. :wink:

Re: Gravity Probe web site

Posted: 14.06.2008, 23:13
by Hungry4info
We may find that even Celestia is frame(rate)-dragging too! :lol:

Re: Gravity Probe web site

Posted: 20.06.2008, 05:06
by LordFerret
I thought you were talking about GLAST at first.

Interesting stuff!