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Best Moon Map ever

Posted: 28.02.2008, 00:54
by danielj

Posted: 28.02.2008, 01:08
by danielj
Awesome videos!
But it appears that the map was mabe by radar and other wavelenghts and not in the optical spectrum.So is it possible in the future,to improve texture,bump/normalmap or both?

Posted: 28.02.2008, 13:54
by Hungry4info
Definitely something I would like to see in Celestia.

Posted: 29.02.2008, 06:47
by LordFerret
The antenna, three-quarters the size of a football field, sent a 500-kilowatt-strong, 90-minute-long radar stream 373,046 kilometers (231,800 miles) to the moon.
Is that why the residents of Barstow glow at night? 8O