Fenerit wrote:Where do you have found that the mesons consist of quark-antiquark pairing?
that too was in a pdf i downloaded
The meson ?· for example consist of a 25% of (quark top-antiquark top); 25% of (quark down-antiquark down) and for a 50% of (quark strange-antiquark strange); but there are even the vectorial mesons with a mix of (antiquark up-quark strange), (antiquark down-quark strange) and (antiquark strange-quark strange).
i am not that deep into particle physics, i learn just for fun, so is it that when they combine in small percentage values, the rules of annihilation disappears? because u mentioned above the (quark top-antiquark top) 25%, but isn't it still a particle-antiparticle combination and with the strong force acting wouldn't they turn into pure energy ?
meantime thanks for the link, though it looks to be a lot of equations, but any informations are great, i'll read it tomorow, in hope it will clear everything, it's 00.30 am, zzzzzz
bye thanks again