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Mystery Solved: Mars Had Large Oceans

Posted: 14.06.2007, 04:05
by Don. Edwards
I found a great article on about what I personally have believed for a very long time. Heres the url to the article.

It also0 covers the fact that Mars had a massive shilft in its poles. Just plain good reading.

Don. Edwards

Posted: 15.06.2007, 03:23
by Celestial_Planets
If you've found this article, then that means that the hunt for water on Mars is OVER (in someone's dreams). This is a MAJOR breakthough in the discovery for Mars's water. When I say MAJOR, I mean MAJOR!! We all know that everyone is finding ways to keep the earth as clean as possible, and that Mars missions of the future, such as the Phoenix, MSL and manned Mars missions, will be a success. Who knows? Maybe Mars will be terraformed in 700-1000 years.