My view of gravity

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My view of gravity

Post #1by Polchey » 08.01.2007, 09:08

:wink: We know that no one knows for sure what gravity is. Scientists will speculate that gravity is caused by curved space. I personally don't believe gravity is curved space. If space around the Earth were curved then it would effect the environment a bit more than just gravity. It would cause light from the Sun to curve as it approaches Earth like when light curves as it passes through water, and it would cause other cosmic rays around the earth to curve. Yet none of that is happening. What I believe gravity is, it's an energy that is too fine for any of our instruments to detect. Our astronomers are arrogant to think our instruments can detect any and all energies that exist so that they will rule out that gravity can be an energy, but our astronomers don't know everything. They are always learning new things about our universe and it's just as possible that gravity is an energy that's beyond the capabilities of our instruments to detect. Just like magnetism we can see it's effects but we can't detect it with any instruments. It's the same way with the makeup of gravity. And curved space is not an energy. If anyone says curved space is an energy then that is like saying a whirlpool in the water is a form of electricity.

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Post #2by selden » 08.01.2007, 12:10


Sorry, but this forum is not a place for advertising your own theories of physics. You probably should consider posting to the "Bad Astronomy and Universe Today" Web forum. It has the Forum "Against the Mainstream" just for discussing such things. The posters there will be glad to help clarify the things you don't understand.

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