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Recent Cassini updates

Posted: 27.10.2006, 21:54
by selden
"Cassini Significant Events for 10/19/06 - 10/25/06" mentioned that this week's Titan flyby was at an altitude of 1030km. It also said
The Cassini project has released a dramatic portrait of the Saturnian
satellite Janus against the backdrop of Saturn. To view the image and the full text description link to: ... ageID=2337

The Cassini Project has recently begun to produce video logs featuring
various members of the flight team who describe highlights of their areas of
involvement on the project as well as a brief description of what happened
with the last Titan flyby and what's in store for the upcoming one. The plan
is to produce one such product between each pair of Titan encounters. Three
are now available and can be viewed at:

More details are at

Posted: 31.10.2006, 21:58
I too look at the Cassini website(whenever I can) every day!
There are some spectacular images in colour! For me to see the latest images,I have to look at the website at 2pmG.M.T,as I live in Birmingham U.k

The other reason I look at the website is because Saturn is my favorite planet in the Solar System.


Posted: 01.11.2006, 07:37
by Chuft-Captain
NIGHTCAST2000 wrote:... Saturn is my favorite planet in the Solar System.
Surely it's your second favorite!!! :twisted:

Posted: 01.11.2006, 09:20
Nah, :lol: :lol: :lol: I'm sticking by my quote,I know I've been asking for a lot of help with the Jupiter textures(and thank you very much to those that did)I'm still saying Saturn is still my favorite.


Posted: 01.11.2006, 13:16
by Chuft-Captain
Don't you think your first favorite should be the actual planet you're living on? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 01.11.2006, 13:31
Yes I do like my home planet,but I don't like what we humans are doing to it!
