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Solar system exploration roadmap

Posted: 29.09.2006, 17:18
by chris
NASA's most recent solar system exploration roadmap is some very interesting reading:

It outlines plans for missions that will take place over the next few decades. It would be great if all of the Flagship class missions actually happened. The document mentions a Europa orbiter, a Titan balloon, a Venus rover, and a Neptune/Triton mission.


Posted: 03.10.2006, 18:44
by Bluespace
It really so much going on,
sometimes a part of the brain urges to learn more of this vast universe

but as far our reach is, it's just within SOL , planets its atmosphere color of soil, minerals wth, who is going to benefit , and that now New Horizon will gather data of one in many Dwarf Planets, hmm, easy to study after several years ( A Part of NASA sceintists have got long term salary):wink:

my thoughts, its all just playing with money (what did, I , You got after taking a picture of saturn titan by cassini? hmmm. a texture for cel ? what amount of knowledge ? and how useful that ?who knows)again thats some crores spended on it

what i really like is scientific explantion of the universe in reality, laws, what makes these things stick to it's rule of rotation and revo, where it starts, where it ends, to where this is moving why earth so unique, and things within our earth etc etc so many question really, if i ask my mind
ok, i know its out of reach for the probes and why are we still living with Newton's 300 yr old Laws, why arent they trying to solve those instead of taking picture of solar_sys members, oops sorry newton's predicted end of world is coming 2060 fall :wink: )

and i still belive that sending a probe into pluto , jupiter, titan etc is just worthless, there is no use of that knowledge, (to see, if there is H2O, Minerals,)

our life is already in the path on termination, (gloabal warming, wars, terrorism etc etc.) and thanks to NASA that i know Titan has got Atmosphere (so that i can make a tour there)

As long as US got Money, and NASA' have to give salary for those scientists, let it continue

Afterall A Great Looking Texture For Celstia is all we Need :)

Thanked you many times, and once again a huge thanks for Celestia, Chris

Note: Nothing To Take Negatievely

Posted: 04.10.2006, 06:25
by LordFerret
Downloaded the PDF. Very interesting. Hope I live long enough to see some of this stuff. :(

Thanks for sharing! :D

Posted: 04.10.2006, 06:29
by Malenfant
I'll believe it when I see it ;). All too often these grand plans get cancelled by a shortsighted and very forgetful Congress...

A Venus rover would be damn cool though. I can't help but imagine a rover built like a tank slowly crawling along venus' lava plains ;).