Earth with rings:How would it effect humans and animals?

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Post #21by TourqeGlare » 08.06.2005, 16:05

School report...

Ringed Earth

This paper is about planetary rings and how Earth might/may soon have rings like Saturn, Jupiter, and Neptune.
What are planetary rings though? Planetary rings are made of space dust, and ice. They might be debris from asteroids hitting
one of Saturn's moons. Earth might have had rings,but why does it not have any now and Saturn does? Saturn's gravity is
90 times more massive then Earths causing a stronger gravitational pull. Saturn's moons are closer too:The nearest one,
Prometheus is 133,570 kilometers and Earths moon is 384,467 kilometers. Because of the distance between the two Earth and
Moon, dust is unlikely to be caught between the two body's. Mars may have faint rings. It has two small moons, Phobos and Deimos,
that are close to Mars and are an important part of ring forming. I think that because Phobos is so close, the atmosphere will
break it apart and Mars will have some rings.

Earth might have had rings once. It was a temporary debris ring caused by an asteroid kicking up chunks of earth.
A ring might form with a hard blow, in which a space rock and the debris it carves from the planet ricochet into the atmosphere.
The ring might cool the planet by blocking sunlight in the tropics and sub tropics. The ring would also cool the rest of the planet
because less heat from the tropics would head north causing fewer storms on the planet. Rings would cause a dramatic cooling
if they're mostly opaque like Saturn's. They'd tend to reflect sunlight away from the Earth, not focus it.
The Earth's axis is tipped enough that most of each of the hemispheres would be in shadow for most of its winter. If humans
were around and standing in its shadow, they would see dark twilight, or heavy overcast from the rings, and they would look
semi-transparent like Saturn's.The best view being before sunrise, or after sunset, when the sky is dark, and the rings are
illuminated brightly like the moon is at night.

What if Earth had everlasting rings? How would it effect humans, or Earth? (May go into science fiction)
The Earth will become ringed by land, the rings gravity tug at the Earth causing mountains under them, and having a tug of war
with Earths own gravity also causing the Earths surface to loose I would say 25% of its gravity.The rings would act like little
moons trying to pull you off the Earth's surface. Humans would be a taller race because less pressure would be on our spines
and we would evolve slightly different. Soon, Earth may or may not collapse into itself at the equate-where the rings would
be-because of the gravity. The moon, because of the rings, might be broken apart and destroyed to become part of the rings
and eventually forgotten because the rings would be unstable. Tidal forces are stronger on the side of the Earth the moon
is located-high tide/low tide. The rings in the instability would push the moon out-and other celestial objects-and destroy it
eventually. During this event, the effects on Earth would be destructive from the loose rocks falling to the planet causing
large amounts of casualty's, mass flooding, and billions of dollers in damages.
I think also that the rings would make astronomers on Earth angry because the ice in the rings would nicely reflect the sun
and have the same effect as star gazing on a New York City rooftop.

One day, earth will have a thick ring system visible around it (donut shaped), made of all the dead satellites and debris
that we are placing in space.

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Post #22by PlutonianEmpire » 08.06.2005, 22:20

I REALLY do NOT think that rings around the planet would have enough gravity to affect mountain-building.
Terraformed Pluto: Now with New Horizons maps! :D

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