new moon orbits Pluto

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Re: new moon orbits Pluto

Post #21by ajtribick » 17.08.2011, 23:07

What bugged me about Pluto was that it became pretty clear that it was part of the Kuiper Belt, which going by historical precedent implies "not a planet". Orbital inclination was weird but didn't particularly bug me. These days of course we have the Upsilon Andromedae system with a mutual inclination of 30 degrees between the second and third gas giants, which kind of throws the inclination argument for planethood well out of the window...

John Van Vliet
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Re: new moon orbits Pluto

Post #22by John Van Vliet » 17.08.2011, 23:48

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Last edited by John Van Vliet on 19.10.2013, 07:10, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: new moon orbits Pluto

Post #23by Tegmine » 06.12.2011, 12:50

Don't get me wrong. I laugh at the humor I find in it. I'm ok with calling it a dwarf planet. I think it will be really neat to see what New Horizons reveals about Pluto and its moons.


PS-like the work on the models!

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Re: new moon orbits Pluto

Post #24by ajtribick » 11.07.2012, 17:07

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Re: new moon orbits Pluto

Post #25by H2SO4 » 11.07.2012, 18:40

ajtribick wrote:...and another one!

NASA - Hubble Discovers a Fifth Moon Orbiting Pluto
Ha, you're quick. I came to post the same thing :)

John Van Vliet
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Re: new moon orbits Pluto

Post #26by John Van Vliet » 11.07.2012, 21:28

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Last edited by John Van Vliet on 19.10.2013, 05:07, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: new moon orbits Pluto

Post #27by Tegmine » 12.07.2012, 11:53

Can anyone say "overcompensation?"


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Re: new moon orbits Pluto

Post #28by symaski62 » 13.07.2012, 00:07

windows 10 directX 12 version
celestia 1.7.0 64 bits
with a general handicap of 80% and it makes much d' efforts for the community and s' expimer, thank you d' to be understanding.

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Re: new moon orbits Pluto

Post #29by Tegmine » 13.07.2012, 11:36

This will be neat when New Horizons gets there...instead of 2 Kuiper Belt objects, we get to see 6. Not a full sampling of what such objects look like, but it's something.


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Re: new moon orbits Pluto

Post #30by Limax7 » 16.10.2012, 00:05

So any orbit to P5 moon ?
Adam Hurcewicz
Bialystok, Poland

John Van Vliet
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Re: new moon orbits Pluto

Post #31by John Van Vliet » 16.10.2012, 00:43

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Re: new moon orbits Pluto

Post #32by Limax7 » 17.10.2012, 13:22

Thanks John!


Here my ssc code:

Code: Select all

Modify "Pluto" "Sol"
    Class "dwarfplanet"
    Texture "pluto-lok.*"
    SpecularTexture "pluto-lok-spec.*"
    SpecularColor            [ 0.135 0.12 0.08 ]
    SpecularPower             9.5
   SemiAxes [ 1195 1195 1195 ]
   # Radius 1151
   CustomOrbit "jpl-pluto-sun"
   BodyFrame { EquatorJ2000 {} }
   CustomRotation "iau-pluto"
    Albedo           0.55

AltSurface "limit of knowledge" "Sol/Pluto"
    Texture "pluto-lok.*"
    SpecularTexture "pluto-lok-spec.*"
    SpecularColor            [ 0.135 0.12 0.08 ]
    SpecularPower             9.5

"Charon:Pluto I:134340 Pluto I:1978 P 1" "Sol/Pluto"
   Class "minormoon"
    Texture "charon-lok.*"
    SpecularTexture "charon-lok-spec.*"
    SpecularColor            [ 0.135 0.12 0.08 ]
    SpecularPower             9.5

    Radius 605

    OrbitFrame { EquatorJ2000 { Center "Sol/Pluto_bary" } }
  Beginning      "1965 04 26 00:00:00.000"
  Ending      "2050 01 02 00:00:00.000"
         Kernel "plu017.p4p5.bsp"
         Target "901"
         Origin "9" 
       Period 6.624660379809693 # dni
         BoundingRadius 1e7

    Period              153.292944
    Inclination         115.9
    AscendingNode       227.3
    MeridianAngle       140.4
    Albedo               0.35

"Nix:Pluto II:134340 Pluto II:2005 P 2" "Sol/Pluto"
   Class "minormoon"
   Texture       "asteroid.jpg"
#   Color   [ 0.65 0.45 0.35 ]    # reddish shade initially reported,
               # but not subsequently detected
   BlendTexture true
   Mesh      "asteroid.cms"
   Radius      44
    OrbitFrame { EquatorJ2000 { Center "Sol/Pluto_bary" } }
  Beginning      "1965 04 26 00:00:00.000"
  Ending      "2050 01 02 00:00:00.000"
         Kernel "plu017.p4p5.bsp"
         Target "902"
         Origin "9" 
       Period 2.560103769382807E+01 # dni
         BoundingRadius 1e7
   Albedo 0.08

"Hydra:Pluto III:134340 Pluto III:2005 P 1" "Sol/Pluto"
   Class "minormoon"
   Texture       "asteroid.jpg" # "spectrally neutral"
   Mesh      "asteroid.cms"
   Radius      36
    OrbitFrame { EquatorJ2000 { Center "Sol/Pluto_bary" } }
  Beginning      "1965 04 26 00:00:00.000"
  Ending      "2050 01 02 00:00:00.000"
         Kernel "plu017.p4p5.bsp"
         Target "903"
         Origin "9" 
       Period 3.840390217515820E+01 # dni
         BoundingRadius 1e7

   Albedo 0.18

"P4:Pluto IV" "Sol/Pluto"
   Class "minormoon"
   Texture          "asteroid.jpg"      # "spectrally neutral"
   Mesh             "asteroid.cms"
   Radius   17

    OrbitFrame { EquatorJ2000 { Center "Sol/Pluto_bary" } }
  Beginning      "1965 04 26 00:00:00.000"
  Ending      "2050 01 02 00:00:00.000"
         Kernel "plu017.p4p5.bsp"
         Target "904"
         Origin "9" 
       Period 3.222643781213210E+01 # dni
         BoundingRadius 1e7
  Albedo                   0.18

"P5:Pluto V" "Sol/Pluto"
   Class "minormoon"
   Texture          "asteroid.jpg"      # "spectrally neutral"
   Mesh             "asteroid.cms"
   Radius   17

    OrbitFrame { EquatorJ2000 { Center "Sol/Pluto_bary" } }
  Beginning      "1965 04 26 00:00:00.000"
  Ending      "2050 01 02 00:00:00.000"
         Kernel "plu017.p4p5.bsp"
         Target "905"
         Origin "9" 
       Period 3.222643781213210E+01 # dni
         BoundingRadius 1e7
  Albedo                   0.18
Adam Hurcewicz
Bialystok, Poland

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Re: new moon orbits Pluto

Post #33by Limax7 » 17.10.2012, 17:48

I made animation of NH - Pluto system flybys
Adam Hurcewicz
Bialystok, Poland

John Van Vliet
Posts: 2941
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Re: new moon orbits Pluto

Post #34by John Van Vliet » 17.10.2012, 20:56

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Re: new moon orbits Pluto

Post #35by Limax7 » 18.10.2012, 12:06

I'll try but some days ago I try to add Pluto moons based on plu022.bsp but it's does't work :(
With plu021.bsp it's work fine.
Adam Hurcewicz
Bialystok, Poland

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Re: new moon orbits Pluto

Post #36by Limax7 » 18.10.2012, 12:36

When I replace P4 with your code , Nix, Hydra and P4 are gone. I have only Pluto, Charon and P5
Adam Hurcewicz
Bialystok, Poland

John Van Vliet
Posts: 2941
Joined: 28.08.2002
With us: 22 years

Re: new moon orbits Pluto

Post #37by John Van Vliet » 18.10.2012, 16:54

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Last edited by John Van Vliet on 19.10.2013, 04:17, edited 1 time in total.

John Van Vliet
Posts: 2941
Joined: 28.08.2002
With us: 22 years

Re: new moon orbits Pluto

Post #38by John Van Vliet » 20.10.2012, 03:36

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Last edited by John Van Vliet on 19.10.2013, 04:15, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 98
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Re: new moon orbits Pluto

Post #39by Limax7 » 22.10.2012, 17:23

john Van Vliet wrote:odd the p4p5.bsp must be a one off
the history IN the kernel dose state it used a "p5.bsp" that is nowhere to be found in the PUBLIC files ( at least i can not find it)
jpl horizons only lists
Charon - 901
Hydra - 903
Nix - 902
s/2011-1 (p4) - 904
but no 905 s/2012

well an updated pluto SPICE ssc
but NO timeline for p5

Warning look at the kernels and you need the
naif0010.tls leap second file
and the current "de424.bsp" ( or edit the "Pluto_bary" reference point for the "de423.bsp"
and p4p5.bsp

Code: Select all

ReferencePoint "Pluto_bary" "Sol"
    Visible true
    Clickable true

   Beginning "1599 12 09 00:00.000"
   Ending    "2200 02 01 00:00.000"
   OrbitFrame { EclipticJ2000 { Center "SSB"}}

      Kernel "de424.bsp"
      Target "9"
      Origin "0"
      BoundingRadius 1e10

# Begin Pluto-System

# All orbital data is from
# using the below settings
#Ecliptic and Mean Equinox of Reference Epoch                                                #
#                                                                                                                             #
# Reference epoch: J2000.0                                                                                 #
# xy-plane: plane of the Earth's orbit at the reference epoch                                #
# x-axis  : out along ascending node of instantaneous plane of the Earth's         #
#     orbit and the Earth's mean equator at the reference epoch                           #
# z-axis  : perpendicular to the xy-plane in the directional (+ or -) sense              #   
#     of Earth's north pole at the reference epoch.                                                  #

Replace "Pluto:134340 Pluto" "Sol"
    Class "dwarfplanet"
    Texture "JVV_Pluto.png"
    NormalMap "PlutoNormal.png"   
    Color      [0.6 0.5 0.5 ]
    HazeColor [ 0.8 0.6 0.3 ]
    HazeDensity    0.4
    SpecularColor [ 0.07 0.06 0.06 ]
    SpecularPower 1.0
    Radius 1151

      Lower [ 0.8 0.8 0.5 ]
      Upper [ 0.6 0.6 0.6 ]
      Sky [ 0.8 0.8 0.5 ]
      CloudHeight 1
      CloudSpeed 0
      CloudMap "JVV.PlutoCloud.png"
    OrbitFrame { EclipticJ2000 { Center "Sol/Pluto_bary"}}
    Ending "1965 12 07 00:00:41.183"

  Epoch                2439101.500000000         # 1965 12 07
    Eccentricity                   0.1828267915        # Eccentricity
    Inclination                   112.9322325033     # Inclination (degrees)
    SemiMajorAxis        1713.3757846931            # Semi-major Axis (km)
    ArgOfPericenter         254.3085944745        # Argument of Pericenter (degrees)
    AscendingNode          227.4442399598     # Ascending Node (degrees)
    MeanAnomaly            179.7792022617      # Mean Anomaly (Position of body at epoch, degrees from pericenter angle)
    Period                            4.4840991447      # Period in earth days
         Period           153.292944
         Inclination   115.60
         AscendingNode   228.34
         MeridianAngle   320.75


# begin SPICE
      OrbitFrame {EclipticJ2000 { Center "Sol/Pluto_bary"}}
      BodyFrame { EquatorJ2000 { Center "Sol/Pluto" } }
      Ending   "2099 11 29 00:01:07.183"  # - 1 month less than kernel , for orbit drawing

         Kernel "plu022.bsp"
         Target "999"
         Origin "9" 
         Period   5

         BoundingRadius 1e10
         Period           153.292944
         Inclination   115.60
         AscendingNode   228.34
         MeridianAngle   320.75
# After SPICE
    OrbitFrame { EclipticJ2000 { Center "Sol/Pluto_bary"}}

  Epoch                2488036.500000000         #  2099-Nov-29 - 1 month less than kernel , for orbit drawing
    Eccentricity                  0.1838282985        # Eccentricity
    Inclination                   112.9316922894    # Inclination (degrees)
    SemiMajorAxis        1714.0269521588           # Semi-major Axis (km)
    ArgOfPericenter         346.7242308479       # Argument of Pericenter (degrees)
    AscendingNode          227.4500669007   # Ascending Node (degrees)
    MeanAnomaly            180.060245258046     # Mean Anomaly (Position of body at epoch, degrees from pericenter angle)
    Period                           4.4866556564    # Period in earth days
         Period           153.292944
         Inclination   115.60
         AscendingNode   228.34
         MeridianAngle   320.75



Replace "Charon:Pluto I:134340 Pluto I:1978 P 1" "Sol/Pluto"
   Class            "moon"
   Texture "JVV_Charon.png"
   NormalMap "CharonNormal.png"   
   Color      [0.6 0.5 0.5 ]
   HazeColor [ 0.8 0.6 0.3 ]
   HazeDensity    0.4
   SpecularColor [ 0.07 0.06 0.06 ]
   SpecularPower 1.0
   Radius   593

      Lower [ 0.8 0.8 0.5 ]
      Upper [ 0.6 0.6 0.6 ]
      Sky [ 0.8 0.8 0.5 ]
      CloudHeight 1
      CloudSpeed 0
      CloudMap "JVV_CharonCloud.png"
    OrbitFrame { EclipticJ2000 { Center "Sol/Pluto_bary"}}
    Ending "1965 12 07 00:00:41.183"

  Epoch                2439101.500000000         # 1965 12 07
    Eccentricity                     0.1490458282        # Eccentricity
    Inclination                    112.9322325033     # Inclination (degrees)
    SemiMajorAxis        17811.4235560572            # Semi-major Axis (km)
    ArgOfPericenter         251.7890526228        # Argument of Pericenter (degrees)
    AscendingNode          227.4442399598     # Ascending Node (degrees)
    MeanAnomaly                2.2947041828      # Mean Anomaly (Position of body at epoch, degrees from pericenter angle)
    Period                            6.5748138708      # Period in earth days
         Period           153.292944
         Inclination   115.60
         AscendingNode   228.34
         MeridianAngle   320.75


# begin SPICE
      OrbitFrame { EclipticJ2000 { Center "Sol/Pluto_bary"}}
      BodyFrame { EquatorJ2000 { Center "Sol/Pluto" } }
      Ending   "2099 11 29 00:01:07.183"   # - 1 month less than kernel , for orbit drawing

         Kernel "plu022.bsp"
         Target "901"
         Origin "9" 
         Period   7

         BoundingRadius 1e10
         Period           153.292944
         Inclination   115.60
         AscendingNode   228.34
         MeridianAngle   320.75
# After SPICE
    OrbitFrame { EclipticJ2000 { Center "Sol/Pluto_bary"}}

  Epoch               2488036.500000000         # 2099-Nov-29 - 1 month less than kernel , for orbit drawing
    Eccentricity                  0.0136483371      # Eccentricity
    Inclination                  112.9316922894     # Inclination (degrees)
    SemiMajorAxis       17810.7845285325          # Semi-major Axis (km)
    ArgOfPericenter          35.4215319488      # Argument of Pericenter (degrees)
    AscendingNode          227.4500669007   # Ascending Node (degrees)
    MeanAnomaly             359.3122449295     # Mean Anomaly (Position of body at epoch, degrees from pericenter angle)
    Period                            6.5744600431      # Period in earth days
         Period           153.292944
         Inclination   115.60
         AscendingNode   228.34
         MeridianAngle   320.75


    Albedo               0.35

Replace "Hydra:Pluto III:134340 Pluto III:2005 P 1" "Sol/Pluto"
   Class            "moon"
   Texture       "asteroid.jpg" # "spectrally neutral"
   Mesh      "asteroid.cms"
   Radius      36
    OrbitFrame { EclipticJ2000 { Center "Sol/Pluto_bary"}}
    Ending "1965 12 07 00:00:41.183"

  Epoch                2439101.500000000         # 1965 12 07
    Eccentricity                     0.0025237078        # Eccentricity
    Inclination                    112.9027963990     # Inclination (degrees)
    SemiMajorAxis       64705.7964467179            # Semi-major Axis (km)
    ArgOfPericenter         136.7492243972        # Argument of Pericenter (degrees)
    AscendingNode          227.3771802006    # Ascending Node (degrees)
    MeanAnomaly             216.8213151670     # Mean Anomaly (Position of body at epoch, degrees from pericenter angle)
    Period                           38.2044045701      # Period in earth days
         Period           153.292944
         Inclination   115.60
         AscendingNode   228.34
         MeridianAngle   320.75


# begin SPICE
      OrbitFrame { EclipticJ2000 { Center "Sol/Pluto_bary"}}
      BodyFrame { EquatorJ2000 { Center "Sol/Pluto" } }
      Ending   "2099 11 29 00:01:07.183"  # - 1 month less than kernel , for orbit drawing

         Kernel "plu022.bsp"
         Target "903"
         Origin "9" 
         Period   39

         BoundingRadius 1e10
         Period           153.292944
         Inclination   115.60
         AscendingNode   228.34
         MeridianAngle   320.75
# After SPICE
    OrbitFrame { EclipticJ2000 { Center "Sol/Pluto_bary"}}

  Epoch                2488036.5000000000        # 2099-Nov-29 - 1 month less than kernel , for orbit drawing
    Eccentricity                   0.0017541426      # Eccentricity
    Inclination                   112.8648592108     # Inclination (degrees)
    SemiMajorAxis       64728.5090194599           # Semi-major Axis (km)
    ArgOfPericenter         228.4007340516       # Argument of Pericenter (degrees)
    AscendingNode          227.4656941164   # Ascending Node (degrees)
    MeanAnomaly               87.1547876758    # Mean Anomaly (Position of body at epoch, degrees from pericenter angle)
    Period                           38.2245216966      # Period in earth days
         Period           153.292944
         Inclination   115.60
         AscendingNode   228.34
         MeridianAngle   320.75


   Albedo 0.18

Replace "Nix:Pluto II:134340 Pluto II:2005 P 2" "Sol/Pluto"
   Class            "moon"
   Texture       "asteroid.jpg"
#   Color   [ 0.65 0.45 0.35 ]    # reddish shade initially reported,
               # but not subsequently detected
   BlendTexture true
   Mesh      "asteroid.cms"
   Radius      44
    OrbitFrame { EclipticJ2000 { Center "Sol/Pluto_bary"}}
    Ending "1965 12 07 00:00:41.183"

  Epoch                    2439101.500000000         # 1965 12 07
    Eccentricity                  0.0097971980        # Eccentricity
    Inclination                 113.2217744431    # Inclination (degrees)
    SemiMajorAxis       48407.8984151456            # Semi-major Axis (km)
    ArgOfPericenter          15.7055757191      # Argument of Pericenter (degrees)
    AscendingNode        227.3334675592    # Ascending Node (degrees)
    MeanAnomaly             220.5686099020     # Mean Anomaly (Position of body at epoch, degrees from pericenter angle)
    Period                         24.7213963445      # Period in earth days


# begin SPICE
      OrbitFrame { EclipticJ2000 { Center "Sol/Pluto_bary"}}
      BodyFrame { EquatorJ2000 { Center "Sol/Pluto" } }
      Ending   "2099 11 29 00:01:07.183"  # - 1 month less than kernel , for orbit drawing

         Kernel "plu022.bsp"
         Target "902"
         Origin "9" 
         Period   25

         BoundingRadius 1e10

# After SPICE
    OrbitFrame { EclipticJ2000 { Center "Sol/Pluto_bary"}}

  Epoch                  2488036.500000000        # 2099-Nov-29 - 1 month less than kernel , for orbit drawing
    Eccentricity                    0.0041209673      # Eccentricity
    Inclination                   112.6491830921    # Inclination (degrees)
    SemiMajorAxis       48757.3634333563           # Semi-major Axis (km)
    ArgOfPericenter         218.5446959922       # Argument of Pericenter (degrees)
    AscendingNode          227.5907329728   # Ascending Node (degrees)
    MeanAnomaly             320.2018489327    # Mean Anomaly (Position of body at epoch, degrees from pericenter angle)
    Period                           24.9895809864      # Period in earth days


   Albedo 0.08

"P4-Pluto4" "Sol/Pluto"
# Class            "moon"
  Texture          "1440crater2a.png"     
  Mesh             "360-p4a.cmod"
  Radius                  23.9
  Albedo                   0.18

   # Before Spice - from " "

    OrbitFrame { EclipticJ2000 { Center "Sol/Pluto_bary"}}
    Ending "1965 04 26 00:00:00.000"

  EllipticalOrbit {
    Epoch                2438876.500000000         # 1965 04 26
    Eccentricity                   0.0092854322        # Eccentricity
    Inclination                   113.2955244354     # Inclination (degrees)
    SemiMajorAxis       57560.6819498075            # Semi-major Axis (km)
    ArgOfPericenter         188.2045261806        # Argument of Pericenter (degrees)
    AscendingNode         228.4857834628     # Ascending Node (degrees)
    MeanAnomaly            167.7116436579      # Mean Anomaly (Position of body at epoch, degrees from pericenter angle)
    Period                           32.0543925043      # Period in earth days
# spice 1
  OrbitFrame { EclipticJ2000{ Center "Sol/Pluto_bary"}}
  Ending "2050 01 02 00:00:00.000"

         Kernel "p4p5.bsp"
         Target "904"
         Origin "9" 
         Period    40

         BoundingRadius 1e10
         Period           10.0
         Inclination   10.0
         AscendingNode   10.0
         MeridianAngle   10.0
# spice 2
  OrbitFrame { EclipticJ2000 { Center "Sol/Pluto_bary"}}
  Ending "2099 11 29 00:01:07.183"

         Kernel "plu022.bsp"
         Target "904"
         Origin "9" 
         Period    40

         BoundingRadius 1e10
         Period           10.0
         Inclination   10.0
         AscendingNode   10.0
         MeridianAngle   10.0
# After spice - from " "

   OrbitFrame { EclipticJ2000 { Center "Sol/Pluto_bary"}}

  EllipticalOrbit {
    Epoch               2488036.500000000        # 2099-Dec-29
    Eccentricity                        0.0090857847      # Eccentricity
    Inclination                       113.9132479245     # Inclination (degrees)
    SemiMajorAxis           57487.0847709353           # Semi-major Axis (km)
    ArgOfPericenter             227.1935065060      # Argument of Pericenter (degrees)
    AscendingNode              227.1173924939       # Ascending Node (degrees)
    MeanAnomaly                188.1126615758     # Mean Anomaly (Position of body at epoch, degrees from pericenter angle)
    Period                              31.9929349643      # Period in earth days


"P5-Pluto5" "Sol/Pluto"
  Class            "moon"
  Texture          "gray.png"     
  Mesh             "p5.cmod"
  Radius                  12.5
  Albedo                   0.18

  OrbitFrame { EclipticJ2000 { Center "Sol/Pluto_bary"}}
  Ending "2050 01 02 00:00:00.000"

         Kernel "p4p5.bsp"
         Target "905"
         Origin "9" 
         Period    40

         BoundingRadius 1e10
         Period                   10.0
         Inclination           10.0
         AscendingNode   10.0
         MeridianAngle     10.0


Sorry but it's not working :(
I've got only Pluto, Charon and P5. P4, Nix and Hydra are missing.

I try to add second your ssc file and replace my ssc with your code deleting Replace text in code.

How did you know what EllipticalOrbit data are Before and After Spice data ?

Adam Hurcewicz
Bialystok, Poland

John Van Vliet
Posts: 2941
Joined: 28.08.2002
With us: 22 years

Re: new moon orbits Pluto

Post #40by John Van Vliet » 22.10.2012, 20:28

--- edit ---
Last edited by John Van Vliet on 19.10.2013, 04:13, edited 1 time in total.

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