
General physics and astronomy discussions not directly related to Celestia
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Post #21by Slaverstudent » 12.03.2006, 03:20

It's in the N-SPACE collection of short stories and extracts. In the same book is "Bordered in Black" which explores the same theme with a much darker and pessimistic outlook.
I'm bordering on the verge of product placement here (which is against forum rules)

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Post #22by delmarco » 12.03.2006, 03:24

Slaverstudent wrote:It's in the N-SPACE collection of short stories and extracts. In the same book is "Bordered in Black" which explores the same theme with a much darker and pessimistic outlook.
I'm bordering on the verge of product placement here (which is against forum rules)

It's okay i forgive you. :wink:
Check out "Borderlands Of Science" by Charles Sheffield when you get a chance.
There is a chapter in there I think you'd like.
Your Mind Creates This World-

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Post #23by Jitz » 17.03.2006, 17:36

President Bush is actually a Reptilian humanoid
apparantly bush can shapeshif into an alien and human.

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Post #24by selden » 17.03.2006, 18:51


Please avoid political commentary. It's not appropriate on the Celestia forum.

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