I've seen the entire venus transit

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Adirondack M
Posts: 528
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I've seen the entire venus transit

Post #1by Adirondack » 08.06.2004, 12:33

Wow, I've seen the entire venus transit this morning throught my refractor, here in Germany!

Anybody who wants to see some pics within the next days?

We all live under the same sky, but we do not have the same horizon. (K. Adenauer)
The horizon of some people is a circle with the radius zero - and they call it their point of view. (A. Einstein)

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Post #2by Kendrix » 08.06.2004, 15:21

I've seen it too ! From Paris, France.

From my home with my reflector (130/900) + Canon EOS 300D + 55-200mm alone (without the reflector) + binoculars (10x50) + naked eyes !!!

wow ! That was incredible...

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Post #3by ElPelado » 08.06.2004, 17:10

I also saw it. I could not see it complete because in the middle I had a test in physics(the last one in the high school). But I saw almost the first 2.5 hours and the last minutes, and also took many pictures and one 230MB video. I dont understand why it was 230Mb: when I setted up the capture it said it would be 2Mb, but i is 230... so I dont udnerstand.
Doesnt matter, IT WAS SPECTACULAR!

BTW: I used a 3 inch reflector with a black polymer filter made by my self, I also could saw it with naked eyes and the filter, and with a pair of small binoculars...

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Evil Dr Ganymede
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Post #4by Evil Dr Ganymede » 08.06.2004, 17:47

I'm in W Canada, I missed it all. :(

Oh, I'm going to blow up the Earth - it obstructs my view of Venus.
[/marvinthemartian] :twisted: ;)

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Post #5by Hummin » 08.06.2004, 22:32

I?ve seen it to! From Osijek Croatia :mrgreen:
it was very nice, and also immpresive how small Venus is.

piellepi M
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Post #6by piellepi » 09.06.2004, 08:46

Hi Friends!
I witnessed the transit too!!
It was very spectacular, expecially the last minutes, when venus disappeared from the sun... Of course some clouds disturbed the latest moments, but I am veeeery satisfied :D
I saw it from my home in Rome,Italy: as a amateur astronomer I had marked this date on the calendar as a must :lol:

piellepi M
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Post #7by piellepi » 09.06.2004, 08:50

I forgot to say that I used my 10 cm telescope with a solar filter , making a lot of photographs (film photo and not digital ones... :( )

Topic author
Adirondack M
Posts: 528
Joined: 01.03.2004
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Post #8by Adirondack » 11.06.2004, 06:58


here are some images.

The first image I took with a free-hand afocal digi-shot through the 25mm ocular at my 90/1000mm refractor. It shows the venus while entering the sun disc at 5:29 UT (7:29 local time):


The 2nd image shows a closer look. This image is a focal shot with a CCD-Camera using the same telescope (with the CCD-Cam instead of the ocular) at 6:09 UT (8:09 local time):


Hope, you enjoy it.

We all live under the same sky, but we do not have the same horizon. (K. Adenauer)

The horizon of some people is a circle with the radius zero - and they call it their point of view. (A. Einstein)

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