Black hole theory

General physics and astronomy discussions not directly related to Celestia
Fenerit M
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Re: Black hole theory

Post #21by Fenerit » 05.04.2011, 02:20

mburley wrote:Okay now all of that has been said I can reinterate my postulate. If, to the outside observer, all the matter that is captured by the BH:
a) takes an infinte amount of time to pass into the event horizon
b) has had its radiation too red shifted/dimmed to be seen
Doesn't it follow that what we might see is a black area of space that is actually matter frozen in time, and not a hole?

A postulate doesn't follow from false premises, since it is undemonstrable. The conclusion of your sillogism is to make false the premise, because from the BH you get the mean terms and from the mean terms you do proof false the BH.
Never at rest.

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