Hi all,
during the past week I mostly spent my time attending the traditional, most interesting international PASCOS 2009 conference. This conference took place the 15th time in sequence with 221 registered participants from all over the world. This conference is particularly attractive, since it jointly addresses a number of important, related fields.
Particles, Strings and Cosmology = PaSCos
This year is was hosted by my laboratory DESY in Hamburg.
Here is the Link:
From here you can select and download all plenary talks
Besides exciting physics, the highlight was definitely yesterday's gorgeous banquet and subsequent party on a famous historical sailing ship in Hamburg's harbour.
The hit was the excellent band that to everyone's surprise consisted of 5 graduate students/ postdocs of my Theoretical Physics Department! They had practiced amazingly during the last two months and the mix was international, indeed: the guitar player from Chile, the drummer and the keyboard player from Germany, bass guitar from Spain and the amazing (female) singer with a voice like Amy Winehouse from France .
Many talks require special training for enjoying them, but on the computational Cosmology side there was a most interesting talk by Prof. Ben Moore/Univ Zurich/Ch. He presented the latest state of the art of Universe simulations with super computers. All videos can be downloaded with his talk. Here is a particularly spectacular one (MPG):
http://www.celestiaproject.net/~t00fri/images/ ... ndrotS.mpg
(depending on the speed of your line you might have to download the video locally, before playing it.)