The Apophis Asteroid

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PlutonianEmpire M
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The Apophis Asteroid

Post #1by PlutonianEmpire » 28.03.2009, 03:49

A while ago, I saw an astronomer or physicist on Jay Leno, and he said that an asteroid with the name Apophis will approach Earth two times in the future, and possibly hitting it the second time. Is this true? If so, what are the dates of those approaches?
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LordFerret M
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Re: The Apophis Asteroid

Post #2by LordFerret » 28.03.2009, 04:08

Tons of stuff about it - Google.

"Discovered in June 2004, astronomers have determined that it will make a very close flyby on April 13th, 2029, where it will pass to within 5 Earth diameters of us. The exact path the asteroid follows on its flyby in 2029 will determine whether it smashes into the Earth seven years later."

Path of risk

Something more "official"

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