3D models of Venus, Mars, Earth with textures are ready
Posted: 29.01.2006, 01:48
The Celestia Motherload now has all six models of planets that I made,
with texture mapping added by jestr.
http://www.celestiamotherlode.net/catal ... system.php
They can be downloaded from the Solar System page. They are called :
Venus 1x
Venus 200x
Earth 1x
Earth 200x
Mars 1x
Mars 200x
These 3D models come with two choices of vertical exaggeration of topographic elevations: 200 times and 1 time (no exaggeration).
Models are being donated to Celestia with no limitations. No copyrights will be enforced, no credit is needed. The donated .3ds models of Mars, Venus, and Earth have 200x exaggeration of elevations. The files being donated have the following names :
The models were created by me, Alan Folmsbee, and were edited to allow textures to be attached by jestr, of Celestia fame. Pictures are shown at the end of this post. Each model is less than 2.7 megabytes. The Earth model was digitally designed using the ETOPO2 database. That uses the Globe Project, IBCAO, and the Smith Sandwell Report, as well as other sources on ETOPO2. The Mars Model used the MGS MOLA from NASA. The Venus model used the NASA Magellan radar altimeter data in the sinusoidal projection, plus gaps were filled by Soviet Venera data and USA's Pioneer data. I combined these databases into one spherical shape by re-sampling the sinusoidal and cylindrical databases. All three models use a data spacing of 1 degree of longitude and latitude. Therefore, each model has about 129,000 triangles that shape the surface.
You can see bigger pictures of the models with these links :
Here are small pictures :
Earth 200x
Venus 200x
Mars 200x
Please feel free to modify, use, copy, and distribute any of these files without giving credit and without any concerns. Total permission is given by me, Alan C. Folmsbee. If you want that in writing, send me a letter.
with texture mapping added by jestr.
http://www.celestiamotherlode.net/catal ... system.php
They can be downloaded from the Solar System page. They are called :
Venus 1x
Venus 200x
Earth 1x
Earth 200x
Mars 1x
Mars 200x
These 3D models come with two choices of vertical exaggeration of topographic elevations: 200 times and 1 time (no exaggeration).
Models are being donated to Celestia with no limitations. No copyrights will be enforced, no credit is needed. The donated .3ds models of Mars, Venus, and Earth have 200x exaggeration of elevations. The files being donated have the following names :
The models were created by me, Alan Folmsbee, and were edited to allow textures to be attached by jestr, of Celestia fame. Pictures are shown at the end of this post. Each model is less than 2.7 megabytes. The Earth model was digitally designed using the ETOPO2 database. That uses the Globe Project, IBCAO, and the Smith Sandwell Report, as well as other sources on ETOPO2. The Mars Model used the MGS MOLA from NASA. The Venus model used the NASA Magellan radar altimeter data in the sinusoidal projection, plus gaps were filled by Soviet Venera data and USA's Pioneer data. I combined these databases into one spherical shape by re-sampling the sinusoidal and cylindrical databases. All three models use a data spacing of 1 degree of longitude and latitude. Therefore, each model has about 129,000 triangles that shape the surface.
You can see bigger pictures of the models with these links :
Here are small pictures :
Earth 200x

Venus 200x

Mars 200x

Please feel free to modify, use, copy, and distribute any of these files without giving credit and without any concerns. Total permission is given by me, Alan C. Folmsbee. If you want that in writing, send me a letter.