More realistic europa-like world

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More realistic europa-like world

Post #1by kikinho » 17.12.2005, 11:06

I'm doing a system called Jeynerk, and I'm planning to make it as a new add-on. What I'll show is a discovery I did: how to create a more realistic europa-like world. The example below shows that you can see the ice crust from space wriring "Gondnawlia Outer" or selecting the moon, and that you can also see the interior of this moon, the subsurface, writing "Gondnawlia Inner". I used Impossible Dyson model to make the ceiling of the subocean layer. If you want to see it in Celestia, here's the code. I've modified the star because you'd have to create another star if I'd put Jeynerk.

"Jaymarin" "Sol"
Texture "Jaymarin.*"
NightTexture "Jaymarin-night.*"
HazeColor [ 1 1 1 ]
HazeDensity 1
Color [ 1 1 1 ]
Radius 56723
Oblateness 0.1
Atmosphere {
Height 100
Lower [ 1 1 1 ]
Upper [ 0 0 0.3 ]
Sky [ 0.6 0.7 1 ]
Sunset [ 0.7 0.4 0.1 ]
EllipticalOrbit {
Period 8
SemiMajorAxis 8
Eccentricity 0.01
Inclination 0.182
RotationPeriod 4
Obliquity 0.2
Albedo 0.01
Rings {
Inner 84634
Outer 176253
Texture ""

"Gondnawlia Inner" "Sol/Jaymarin"
Texture "Gondnawlia.*"
Emissive true
Color [ 0 0 0.3 ]
Radius 5320
EllipticalOrbit {
Period 6
SemiMajorAxis 600000
Eccentricity 0.030
Inclination 3
Albedo 0.01

"Gondnawlia Outer Under" "Sol/Jaymarin"
Mesh "mw-msx.3ds"
Texture "03asteroid.*"
Emissive true
BlendTexture true
Color [ 0 0 0.6 ]
Radius 5580
EllipticalOrbit {
Period 6
SemiMajorAxis 600000
Eccentricity 0.030
Inclination 3
Albedo 0.9

"Gondnawlia Outer" "Sol/Jaymarin"
Texture "01asteroid.*"
Radius 5600
Atmosphere {
Height 150
Lower [ 0.3 0.5 0.8 ]
Sky [ 0 0.3 0.8 ]
Sunset [ 1 0.8 0.4 ]
CloudHeight 15
CloudSpeed 300
CloudMap "Terrestrial1-clouds.*"
EllipticalOrbit {
Period 6
SemiMajorAxis 600000
Eccentricity 0.030
Inclination 3
Albedo 0.9
One day we will swim in the subsurface ocean of Europa and take shower in ethane lakes of Titan.

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Post #2by kikinho » 17.12.2005, 17:56

I corrected the code. Now you can see what I did.
What do you think about my project? I think it's quite realistic since if you were in an ocean under an icy crust, you'd see what is shown in my add-on, but it'll be even more dark. You would see the under region of the upper crust of ice and would see the subsurface made of rock having volcanoes and geysers. My future add-on will be very different than all the others I did. It'll be more complete, having even more realistic textures and will have some surprises.

Remember, if you want to see the subsurface, you'll have to type "Gondnawlia inner". Then, go there and see what's inside the icy surface. Cool, heh? It's the same rule to go inside the Impossible Dyson sphere. To see, use the code I did and use some textures you have in Celestia or another add-on. For example, use Europa surface map for the "Gondnawlia Outer", use an asteroid texture for "Gondnawlia Outer Under" because this is the ceiling of the subocean, use Venus surface map for "Gondnawlia inner", and use Jupiter map to "Jaymarin" and Saturn rings to Jaymarin rings. Very simple and easy to do. But Jeynerk add-on will have it's own Gondnawlia textures. I'll post some pictures soon.

Using this method of Gondnawlia moon, I could also do an add-on of Europa in our solar system having a fictional under sea and subsurface. The Europa add-on would include: Europa, Ganymede, Callisto, Enceladus, Triton and possibly Titan, because some scientists think Titan may have an under ocean of water mixed with ammonia, I think. Is this add-on a good idea? Imagine seeing fishes and strange creatures in these big oceans and how the subsurfaces may look like! It looks like very interesting to me.

So i'm doing the Jeynerk add-on and possibly I'll also do the "The misteries of active icy moons" add-on.
One day we will swim in the subsurface ocean of Europa and take shower in ethane lakes of Titan.

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Post #3by kikinho » 19.12.2005, 22:53

Here are some images of my add-on:

Here is the Gondnawlia subocean. The ceiling is the icy crust and the floor is the subcrust of rock and metals with many algae and animals. The pinksh color are the algae that absorve infrared. In the past, all the surface of this moon was covered by a big ocean, that froze within millions of years. A very big crust of icy formed, but life survived because of the internal heat of the moon, that allowed much of the water to be liquid. This moon have 3 intelligent aquatic species. But only one specie have enough intelligence and body to go to the very cold surface and to go to space. Their spaceships instead of having air have the water the need to breath. In my opinion the Universe may have more intelligent aquatic species than terrestrial, because many Gondnawlia-like planets may exist, and if they exist, the chances of aquatic intelligent beings are higher.

Here is the outer crust, and this is a Europa-type world with a 300 km deep internal ocean, big enough for life to develop very much.

Here is Jaymarin planet. Until now it have only one moon, but I'll add many more.

I decided to not make the interior of gas giants because I had problems with this, but I'll keep the Gondnawlia subsurface in my add-on.

I'll add more pictures soon.

I need some opinions, and I'm doing my very best in this Jeynerk add-on.
One day we will swim in the subsurface ocean of Europa and take shower in ethane lakes of Titan.

Michael Kilderry
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Post #4by Michael Kilderry » 21.12.2005, 01:26

This addon looks great so far, I like the gas giant the most. Interesting idea with the Europa-like moon. ;)
My posting milestones:

First post - 11th October 2004
100th post - 11th November 2004
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- Michael

Planet X
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Post #5by Planet X » 25.12.2005, 15:22

Yeah, the gas giant is definately awesome, perhaps even enough to make the top 100 textures of all-time for Celestia. Later!


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Post #6by kikinho » 25.12.2005, 21:58

And what about the subcrust and the icy crust of my Gondnawlia? I think the subcrust sholdn't be pink, but a dark brown or grey. What color you suggest?

I had problems with my computer and I'd to delete my add-on and reinstalled my computer, so graphics will be something different. I'm adding now a planet bigger than earth with a ring system called Haragntaphadsehderish. This planet will be interesting.
One day we will swim in the subsurface ocean of Europa and take shower in ethane lakes of Titan.

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