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HD 188753, Gamma Cephei, other exoplanet binary stars

Posted: 10.12.2005, 18:21
by ajtribick
Here is a file containing a few more binary stars which have planets around one component. It should be placed in the extras folder.


I've been nagging people about this for a while, but apparently the handling of and with Fridger's large binary catalogues hasn't been finalised yet, and there are several extrasolar binary systems which haven't been implemented.

SIMBAD was used to obtain the data. Systems for which no magnitude information was available were not implemented.

HD 41004 was not implemented because of lack of positional information for the secondary component (the values given seemed to be those for the primary but truncated to 2 decimal places). This system probably could do with some attention - the secondary has a brown dwarf companion, for which there are some elements here, though I haven't found anything about the orbit/position of the secondary itself.

There are also these stars, which have positions given relative to the primary in terms of separation and position angle, not sure how to convert this to RA/Dec.

Systems implemented:

  • HD 188753
  • Gamma Cephei
  • Rho1 Cancri
  • HD 219542
  • HD 196885
  • HD 142022

The barycentre positions used for HD 188753 and Gamma Cephei are actually the positions of the A components - I do not have positional data to calculate a better position. The inclination and principal argument of the node of the HD 188753 B-C system were taken from the A-(B-C) system as the actual values are unknown.

Note that the planet in the HD 219542 system orbits the B component, so extrasolar.ssc (in the data folder) should be edited to read:

Code: Select all

"b" "HD 219542 B"   # HD 219542 B
   Texture "exo-class3.*"

   Color  [0.53 0.62 1]
   Albedo 0.1

   Mass       100     # M.sin(i) = 0.3 jupiters
   Radius     84000
   Oblateness 0.09

   InfoURL ""

   EllipticalOrbit {
      Period          0.3069
      SemiMajorAxis   0.46
      Eccentricity    0.32
      ArgOfPericenter 130
      MeanAnomaly     356

   RotationPeriod  19 # tidal slowing significant

AltSurface "limit of knowledge" "HD 219542 B/b"
   Texture "extrasolar-lok.*"

Posted: 11.12.2005, 22:33
by ajtribick
I added HD 188753 and Gamma Cephei. Thanks to Dr Fridger Schrempp and Grant Hutchison for help with binary star orbital elements.

The barycentre positions used for HD 188753 and Gamma Cephei are actually the positions of the A components - I do not have positional data to calculate a better position. The inclination and principal argument of the node of the HD 188753 B-C system were taken from the A-(B-C) system as the actual values are unknown. This is a hideous fudge, but I'm not sure how to handle this better.

The HD 188753 system is a good case for why we should be able to use catalogue references in OrbitBarycenter. "HD 188753 A-(B-C)" just looks ugly.

Posted: 15.12.2005, 08:47
by Tleilax