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Venus Express add-on

Posted: 03.12.2005, 07:37
by Are
Hello. I`ve made an add-on for Venus Express spacecraft. It`s using
MRO`s 3D model, so if you have not this (MRO) add-on, you have to
change model definition in .ssc file. Time span is

Beginning 2005-NOV-09 11:00
Ending 2006-MAY-06 11:00

(That`s all NASAs Horizons server currently can give us.)

Posted: 03.12.2005, 15:44
by Tech Sgt. Chen
Do you have any pictures and a little more detail on this add-on?

Posted: 03.12.2005, 23:11
by Are
Tech Sgt. Chen wrote:Do you have any pictures and a little more detail on this add-on?

This is only .xyz and .ssc files, nothing more.
