Here are a couple of shots for the first planet in the system, Thoosa. My idea behind it is a world, very hot, with a surface continually buffeted by sand storms and high winds. However, its atmosphere is Venus-like in that it is quite thick. But, due to its being a smaller world, its atmosphere is not as thick as Venus', so perhaps solar heating has as much to do with the planetary warming as the atmosphere, if not more so.
At the moment, I'm not too keen on this texture, nor on its accompanying bump map. The image turned out to be a bit low res for my tastes, even though I generally hold myself to 1024x2048. In the end, I may well chuck it and try for something else. And that's not assuming that I would have to if the physics of the planetary environment turn out to be untenable.
Anyway, here are the shots, minus the planetary cloud layer (which I haven't made yet anyway). Oh, I also ramped up the haze layer on this world as well, to a wonderful 8.0! With its decidedly red cast, I rather like the look of it, coupled with the far-reaching, thick atmosphere. Now to just make the clouds to match....