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Atronaut - coming soon(ish)

Posted: 17.09.2005, 17:30
by sundog

Inspired by the wonderful Atlantis model by ElChristou I've got back into modelling after a 2-3 year break, and began work on this little creation.


This is my biggest project to date and is taking quite some time. I'm not a very good modeller, so it's a bit of a struggle achieving the results I'm looking for, but fortunately I have the patience to keep tweaking and modifying things until they look ok.

There's still a fair amount of work to do, so it will be several more weeks before it's released.

The lights on the helmet will be illuminated (using the Emissive true command) as will the pressure gauge and digital display on the chest pack. I hope to be able to fully texture this model, I've done a few tests and I 'think' it will be possible. It's a shame Celestia doesn't support multi texturing or self shadowing, but I'll do my best to get a good result. Also I'll be making various tools and equipment used on EVA (Extra Vehicular Activity). Once it's complete I should be able to pose the model to suit any scenario.

All comments welcome.

I see much has gone on around here in the last couple of weeks, so now I shall take a short break from modelling and catch up on some of the new things I'm missing out on. :)




Thanks to ImageShack for Free Image Hosting

Posted: 17.09.2005, 18:19
by ElChristou
Hello guys,

This is a real good work, and it's one of the reasons why I haven't release the shuttle with payload open; I want to integrate one of Sundog's astronauts...

In a few days/weeks (I hope) Sundog will have the posed model, so the shuttle release will follow...

Just for info:
the pose shown in Sundog pict is not the one of a cowboy ready to draw his six shots (:wink:), this is a static pose to use with bones to change the pose of a model or to create animations...


Posted: 04.10.2005, 15:28
by Tech Sgt. Chen
Now, that is absolutely outstanding! What an original idea! I can't wait to see the finished product!