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Release: A Journey Through Planetary Space

Posted: 01.08.2005, 03:11
by rthorvald
A Journey Through Planetary Space
... Or Off on a Comet V.2.0.

Here is Comet Gallia again. It??s big, detailed, and full of stuff to explore
- it is nothing like V1.

Gallia has seasons: it freezes over when it gets far enough from the Sun.
This time, one can follow the entire journey from outside the Solar
System, passing close to Neptune, Saturn, Titan, Jupiter, the Galilean
moons, Mars, Earth and Venus. One can follow the balloon from Gallia to
Earth, and Gibraltar from Gallia to the Moon. Or visit several surface
locations on the comet itself.

There are two versions: one moderately sized one at 150 MB, and... Well,
even with some trimming down, eh, 1 GB... Sorry, folks. I make what i
like to see myself, and then it usually comes out pretty big.

THANK YOU to Jestr, which, once again, wrote the Gallia XYZ file. That
means space travel in the Victorian era :-)

Here??s some screenshots:

... More info, images and download links on my website.
Criticism are very welcome, as usual.


Posted: 01.08.2005, 06:21
by Michael Kilderry
Great looking addon, I would like to download it, but even the smaller version seems a bit big for my computer. :(

- Michael

Posted: 01.08.2005, 09:25
by Guckytos

looks like i have to get myself a new computer AND a real fast Internetconnection. *lol*

Great work, what i can see from the pictures. I will try out the "small" version, when it finshed downloading.



Re: Release: A Journey Through Planetary Space

Posted: 01.08.2005, 13:16
by Jeam Tag
Runar, you've done one of the most beautiful homage for the oddy Jules, for the centenary! Jeam

Re: Release: A Journey Through Planetary Space

Posted: 02.08.2005, 18:46
by rthorvald
Jeam Tag wrote:one of the most beautiful homage for the oddy Jules, for the centenary! Jeam

Thanks! As for my homage to Jules, might i suggest you tried this CelUrl:

- rthorvald :-)

Posted: 07.08.2005, 13:23
by rthorvald
The volcano - Nina??s Hive - are slightly misaligned, so a part of it sticks up
above the water. Just add this code to the VOLCANO entries in your ssc file
to fix:
Orientation [-3 0 0 1]
(Note that the volcano appears several times in the full version ssc).

I??ll post a proper update later...

- rthorvald

Posted: 07.08.2005, 21:46
by Binabik
rthorvald, your rthorvalds_needle is fantastic, had no problems installing, installed th_journey_tps the same way - am downloading now. However I am not able to start the sequence for the journey, I'm sure I've read the intro & readme.txt, but I seem to be missing the obvious to start the journey

Linux Binabik 2.6.11-gentoo-r6 AMD Athlon(TM) XP 2500+ 1 gig ram


Posted: 07.08.2005, 23:07
by rthorvald
Binabik wrote:I am not able to start the sequence for the journey

Well, there??s no script for it. You just have to goto january 1880 and visit
the comet. Then you can follow it around, or explore it...

On my site, there??s a fair collection of links that will take you to key events
and places. I??m working on another part that will let you interact with the
story in a new way, too - it should be up in a few more days.


Posted: 07.08.2005, 23:32
by Binabik
Thanks for the reply rthorvald, I am moving around now, didn't think about the date change, Thanks again, very good web site & a great journey

Posted: 11.08.2005, 18:48
by Juan Marino
Hi Runar


I shall read completely all e-book, because i want to know and to understand the english language (i don??t speak english), and your e-book is the best pretext!!!

Posted: 11.08.2005, 20:48
by maxim
Juan Marino wrote:I shall read completely all e-book, because i want to know and to understand the english language (i don??t speak english), and your e-book is the best pretext!!!

I'm not shure you will be happy with this. The text seems to contain a lot of unusual english words and old fashioned phrases. I couldn't read it fluently.


Posted: 11.08.2005, 23:47
by Juan Marino
maxim wrote:The text seems to contain a lot of unusual english words

8O ------> :cry:

maxim wrote:I couldn't read it fluently.

I shall treat to read some parts......... :cry:

Posted: 14.08.2005, 19:08
by rthorvald
Juan Marino wrote:VERY NICE E-BOOK!!!!!!

I shall read completely all e-book, because i want to know and to understand the english language

Thank you. Though as Maxim wrote, the english in it _is_ a little old-fashioned. You might be better off to start with a collection of contemporary short stories or something... And reading is an exellent way to get into a foreign language (i taught myself english by reading books, too).

Something different:
In a different thread i wrote that i made AddOns to make pictures. Here is a few examples - this is a package of six wallpapers from the JTPS scenario; they are part of a slideshow i use as a screensaver...

These were made from screenshots; i have done some slight retouching in photoshop, softening edges and the like:

I zipped them up in two packages - one at 1600x1200 and one at 1024x768, in PNG format. They can be downloaded here: ... wallpaper/

If there should prove to be any any interest, i might add them to the JTPS web pages later.


Posted: 14.08.2005, 20:45
by Jeam Tag
maxim wrote:
Juan Marino wrote:I shall read completely all e-book, because i want to know and to understand the english language (i don??t speak english), and your e-book is the best pretext!!!
I'm not shure you will be happy with this. The text seems to contain a lot of unusual english words and old fashioned phrases. I couldn't read it fluently.maxim
This is the same thing in the original French text, Maxim, a litle bit like the former HG Wells' books, and so on. 'Hector Servadac' isn't the most popular 'Voyage Extraordinaire' here, in France -I suppose because of lot of colonialistic/patriotic/...and quasi racism notations, that were common (:-( ) in these years, wich are a little bit disgusting now- but it was a great and interesting travel in the solar sys that Runar turn on an amazing journey for Celestia: I love really that.(remenber: Verne's book were essentially educationnal stories, to discover the world(s), sometimes harsh to read for now: for example 20 000 lieues sous les mers/20 000 leagues under the sea has many, many pages of descriptions of the undersea life, as know at this epoch: it's long, long...but the main story is always absolutely interesting) (and Remember the years of the writing!) . Jeam

Posted: 14.08.2005, 22:27
by rthorvald
Jeam Tag wrote:'Hector Servadac' isn't the most popular 'Voyage Extraordinaire' here, in France -I suppose because of lot of colonialistic/patriotic/...and quasi racism notations, that were common (:-( ) in these years, wich are a little bit disgusting now

This is true, and it bothered me when i planned the AddOn/eBook project, so i added a note about it in the web presentation. Some passages (and the ludicrous stereotypes) do not carry well into our - hopefully more enlightened - day and age, and i would not have produced the eBook if these had in any way been important to the book.


Posted: 28.10.2007, 20:33
by duds26
Oh please make some scripts, please.

It would make the story much more enjoyable to see it evolve on itself (like a movie)!!!

Posted: 29.10.2007, 14:02
by rthorvald
duds26 wrote:Oh please make some scripts, please.

It would make the story much more enjoyable to see it evolve on itself (like a movie)!!!

Sorry, there are no scripts planned. But if you follow the e-book, you can click on any image in it to be taken to that time and place in the story.

- rthorvald

Posted: 29.10.2007, 16:50
by duds26
Even without scripts it's a wonderful, great and enjoyable addon. :)

I like the idea of the Ebook with hyperlinks into Celestia, very neat (good).

(such a pity no scripts, oh well, there is plenty of fish in the see, i mean content in Celestia)