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Von Braun's space station

Posted: 01.05.2005, 15:49
by Beowulf01
I have made a model of the Von Braun station as visualized in the '52 colliers magazine.

When i finish this i intend to up load this and the ferry.
any input?

more screenshots

Posted: 01.05.2005, 17:01
by Beowulf01
i jsut did a quick capture f the un-textured station and ferry.

now these are very rough, not finished yet.

Posted: 01.05.2005, 17:02
by Beowulf01

Re: Von Braun's space station

Posted: 01.05.2005, 17:58
by Jeam Tag
Beowulf01 wrote:I have made a model of the Von Braun station as visualized in the '52 colliers magazine.
Looks Nice. Do you have a look on the Word_of_Collier add-on by Sputnik for the Orbiter Sim? As i've always said I love the work of the great Space artist Chesley Bonestell, and I'm waiting for some of his crafts running in Celestia, thanks! Jeam

Posted: 03.05.2005, 19:27
by selden

How are your models progressing?
Your WIP shots look good!

(I think the problem with the link is the ampersand "&". phpbb "knows" what a valid URL looks like and won't evaluate ones that don't look right. You might consider changing the image name to use -n- instead.)

Posted: 04.05.2005, 01:27
by Beowulf01
Thanks, they are progressing SLOWLY.

I have a rather busy home life, i only get a few hours a week to work on this series of projects. And with my recent rebuilding of my Computer.............

you know how it is.

Something else that i am gonna admit too.
I have a hard time sticking to ONE project, i get the model nearly done for one then i find my self doing another.
currently i have these underway.
O'Neil style habitat
Dyson 20 meter Orion space ship
Von Braun's 52 era ships
Larry Niven's known space ships and planets
a Honor Harrington universe Destroyer
Nazi Sanger bomber and the Goddard Interceptor

plus my fictional add on Tau Ceti solar system..........

i need to pick one an stick with it.
oh yeah and learn to use the UV mapper.

Posted: 04.05.2005, 01:59
by Beowulf01

ok the link is fixed....

Could anyone give me a heads up or a link on how to use Virtural textures?

Posted: 17.05.2005, 07:17
by Oniisan
Glad to see your work on this and other projects!

Something else that i am gonna admit too.
I have a hard time sticking to ONE project, i get the model nearly done for one then i find my self doing another.

Hope you will complete the Von Braun's Station and ships!! They are a favorite of mine. I know all too well how it is to work on many projects or ideas at once, I suffer the same :-) I have to make myself work on a project until it's completed. It is better to finish a few things than to have many unfinished ones :-) I see the last post on this was around May 4th. I've been too busy editing a wedding video since April 17th, but now that it's finished, I was able to catch up on all the missed Celestia posts. Good luck to you, and keep modeling!

Posted: 17.05.2005, 15:38
by selden

There's a PDF VT Guide on the Motherlode's documentation page, and I wrote some rather cryptic notes.

See ... ation.html
down near the bottom, and ... s.html#2.5


Posted: 18.05.2005, 02:40
by Beowulf01
Thanks everyone!!