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Moons with poorly known orbits

Posted: 23.03.2005, 18:38
by selden
Many of the recently discovered moons of Saturn and Uranus have not yet had their orbits accurately measured. Grant Hutchison has provided an SSC catalog for them, however, specifying the values that have been determined.

For the catalog and more information, please see

Posted: 23.03.2005, 21:44
I seem to already have orbit definitions for 2004S1, 2004S2, and 2004S3, which I must have picked up earlier from this forum.

I shall delete the old ssc file(s) and install this new complete package.


Mistaken orbital periods?

Posted: 28.03.2005, 00:45
by The Singing Badger
I think there's a mistake in this file: the new Saturn moons are orbiting much slower than their neighbours:

cel://Follow/Sol:Saturn/2005-03-28T04:3 ... 1&lm=49156

I realise that the orbits are not yet perfectly defined but presumably they orbit at a similar speed to their neighbours? Or am I missing something?

Posted: 28.03.2005, 18:44
by selden
poormoons.ssc now has been repaired so that it specifies correct orbital periods.

Posted: 28.03.2005, 22:45
by The Singing Badger
Thanks, that's much better! :D

Posted: 30.03.2005, 08:09
by maxim
So we now have 'smallmoons.ssc', 'tinymoons.ssc', 'numberedmoons.ssc', 'minormoons.ssc', 'littlemoons.ssc', 'poormoons.ssc' and what else?

I wish someone would take responsibility for this whole crap and transfer it into a more intuitive format. What about one file for every planet? I mean, it's the same situation as with asteroids - the data is split over a dozen files, with no noticeable classification between it. Isn't there any underlying sientific structure we can build upon?


Posted: 30.03.2005, 12:18
by Jeam Tag
maxim wrote:So we now have 'smallmoons.ssc', 'tinymoons.ssc', 'numberedmoons.ssc', 'minormoons.ssc', 'littlemoons.ssc', 'poormoons.ssc' and what else?
'uoo.ssc' (Unidentified Orbiting Objects) :-)
So, Maxim, what is 'littlemoons.ssc'? Seems to me i miss this addon reference in my catalog (i'll uptade it with this recent Grant's contribution), where is it? Jeam

Posted: 30.03.2005, 15:18
by maxim
Jeam Tag wrote:So, Maxim, what is 'littlemoons.ssc'? Seems to me i miss this addon reference in my catalog (i'll uptade it with this recent Grant's contribution), where is it? Jeam

:D I'd been ironic - it doesn't exist.


Posted: 30.03.2005, 15:29
by Jeam Tag
maxim wrote:
Jeam Tag wrote:So, Maxim, what is 'littlemoons.ssc'? Seems to me i miss this addon reference in my catalog (i'll uptade it with this recent Grant's contribution), where is it? Jeam
:D I'd been ironic - it doesn't exist.maxim
Arf, I'll must archive it with my 'uoo's.ssc' . :-) Jeam.

Posted: 30.03.2005, 16:45
by ajtribick
maxim wrote:So we now have 'smallmoons.ssc', 'tinymoons.ssc', 'numberedmoons.ssc', 'minormoons.ssc', 'littlemoons.ssc', 'poormoons.ssc' and what else?

Evidently we're missing 'richmoons.ssc' to provide the full economic spectrum... ;)