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About my Xen system

Posted: 15.03.2005, 00:28
by kikinho
I'm making a new add-on called Xen. It's a system that will only exist in a distant future. If I could, I'd put it in another galaxy, but Celestia still doesn't allow.

This star has several planets and there are four planets that have density between 8.15 g/cm?? and 8.86 g/cm??. All the four planets has silicon-based life and same kind of atmosphere, that are rich in nitrogen, sulphur, fluorine and oxigen. The atmospheres color are green-yellowed. The oceans are made of fluoridric acid (HF) with sulphur compounds. And all the four planets has intelligent life.
These planets are near each other, but at a safe distance to avoid them hitting each other. Xen is a tenth generation star. The Sun is a third generation star for comparison.

I'll show some informations about these four planets.

Mitsutna: Has a radius of 6242 km, the mass is 9.03E+24, gravity is 15.46 m/s?? and density of 8.86 g/cm??. Only plants breathe. Terrestrial animals use eletricity instead of breathing.

Xenor: Has a radius of 6287 km, the mass is 8.80E+24, gravity is 14.85 m/s?? and density of 8.45 g/cm??. Animals and plants breathe.

Telbanius: Has a radius of 5486 km, the mass is 5.64E+24, gravity is 12.50 m/s?? and density of 8.15 g/cm??. Animals and plants breathe.

Marinderon: Has a radius of 5785 km, the mass is 6.73E+24, gravity is 13.42 m/s?? and density of 8.30 g/cm??. Animals and plants use eletricity instead of breathig.

There's also an interesting planet. This planet is the most dense of all planets and is smaller than Titan, but bigger than our Moon. It's called Helietricab. Has a radius of 2438 km, the mass is 1.24E+24, gravity is 13.92 m/s?? and density of 20.43 g/cm??.

Two more planets, but less dense. Acrismonium has ammonia oceans but no life is present and Poliemadison also has no life and have hidrosulfuridric acid (H2SO4) oceans.

There are many more planets and moons, but these are less dense.

Would this kind of system be possible to exist in a distant future? The major the number of generations of stars, more and more dense will be the material in dust rings around stars, and probably will appear this kind of system.

Posted: 15.03.2005, 02:45
by kikinho
Here is the image with all the four planets with silicon-based life I mentioned.


Posted: 15.03.2005, 02:56
by Evil Dr Ganymede
Shouldn't this be on the Add-ons board?

I've already pointed out the problems with having HF and Fluorine-based worlds. It doesn't matter what generation the star is, Fluorine is still a very rare element - too rare to be present in large enough amounts, and too reactive to exist on its own.

Posted: 15.03.2005, 10:02
by kikinho
No. I've only put this topic to know the possibility of these kind of biosphere to exist.
I've read a text about a fictional system that have unusual abundance of fluorine and sulphur. It's called Zeta 2. All texts about silicon-based life say that HF is the better solvent for it instead of water.

What I want is to create a new fictinal universe that silicon/germanium-based life dominates the universe, and that these creatures live in systems with high density planets. This fictinal universe is trillions and trillions years in the future. But some worlds of these fictinal systems will have carbon-based life with water and oxigen consumers, like on our planet.

I'll put this topic later in add-ons forum. But before I want to discuss more about this system.

All these fluorine could be formed in a special dense dust ring around Xen. Later, when planets are formed, HF appears has a result of chemical reactions on the surface or inside volcanoes. Or bacteria could produce F and HF, depending on what gases are present in the atmosphere and the surface elements.

Posted: 15.03.2005, 10:03
by kikinho
No. I've only put this topic to know the possibility of these kind of biosphere to exist.
I've read a text about a fictional system that have unusual abundance of fluorine and sulphur. It's called Zeta 2. All texts about silicon-based life say that HF is the better solvent for it instead of water.

What I want is to create a new fictinal universe that silicon/germanium-based life dominates the universe, and that these creatures live in systems with high density planets. This fictinal universe is trillions and trillions years in the future. But some worlds of these fictinal systems will have carbon-based life with water and oxigen consumers, like on our planet.

I'll put this topic later in add-ons forum. But before I want to discuss more about this system.

All these fluorine could be formed in a special dense dust ring around Xen. Later, when planets are formed, HF appears has a result of chemical reactions on the surface or inside volcanoes. Or bacteria could produce F and HF, depending on what gases are present in the atmosphere and the surface elements.

Posted: 15.03.2005, 17:26
by kikinho
I've modified the system. Now it has only two planets with silicon-based life. 4 planets with high density and with complex life in one system it's very uncertain to happen. I've increased the density value for the two planets and decreased for other planets.

Posted: 15.03.2005, 17:35
by kikinho
I've modified the system. Now it has only two planets with silicon-based life. 4 planets with high density and with complex life in one system it's very uncertain to happen. I've increased the density value for the two planets and decreased for other planets.

Posted: 15.03.2005, 17:44
by t00fri
I would really appreciate if you could avoid doubling each of your posts!

For my taste even their single edition is quite displaced here.

I am ready to bet that besides you, very few people in this forum have
much of an interest in your SILICON worlds...

Bye Fridger

Posted: 15.03.2005, 18:16
by kikinho
I've decided to create silicon worlds because they sound more interesting than carbon to me. And silicon-based life chemistry is also very different from carbon-based chemestry, that makes it even more interesting.

About fluorine: And if one day, when the Universe will be much more dense than now, fluorine will be more present? If so, I could estimate that silicon-based life will spread more and more over the Universe. And if this happens, one day silicon-based life will compete with carbon-based life.

I found in the web that many people are interested in how would be silicon-based life. I've read much of this kind of life in web sites. The silicon worlds I created is based on many web sites I've read about this strange kind of life. Well, I think people prefer the idea that silicon-based life do not exist. But I'll continue to insist that there's some kind of environment that silicon life can exist.

Ah, and I won't put what is exactely here in add-ons forum. If I put in add-ons forum, it'll only show the images, few descriptions and link to my site and to download. There will be much more informations in my site. But I've not yet created my Xen forum.

Posted: 15.03.2005, 19:20
by ajtribick
You say you are inventing a new universe with lots of germanium/fluorine and stuff. Well if so, you've probably got yourself a whole load of different nucleosynthesis processes, and if so the chemical elements in your universe are probably going to get affected in strange ways by the laws of physics, so while they might have the same numbers of protons and neutrons (assuming your laws of physics allow for such particles) they would probably react completely differently, so calling them "germanium" or "fluorine" would probably be inaccurate, or at the least highly misleading.

Posted: 15.03.2005, 20:45
by kikinho
No, it's not my own universe. It's our universe trillions of years in the future. I said the universe tend to be more and more dense with time, and that one day silicon, fluorine, sulphur, germanium and heavy elements will be more present in the universe as lighter elements are now.

Posted: 16.03.2005, 09:33
by Umeboshi
More amount of rare elements will exist in the far future,
but even then, they are still rare,
because more and more amount of other element
easier to generate will be made at the same time.....I think.

Posted: 16.03.2005, 15:15
by kikinho
Yes, what you said is true. I'll show my add-on soon in add-ons forum. My add-on has 2 planets with silicon-based life, other dense planet but without life ( this is the most dense planet of entire system ), and other planets aren't so dense.

Posted: 27.03.2005, 08:49
by Michael Kilderry
You certainly have a big imagination for fictional worlds, Kikinho. Your planets look very interesting and detailed, except have you thought of putting a bit of texture into the alien oceans? This might help them to not look too blank.

Michael :)

Posted: 27.03.2005, 20:53
by selden
I've moved this thread to the Add-ons Forum.

Posted: 28.03.2005, 03:21
by kikinho
Ah, thank you for this!


Posted: 28.03.2005, 03:28
by Beowulf01
they look very good, nice work, as Micvhael Kilderry said some texture on the "oceans" might bring them out a bit more...

Posted: 28.03.2005, 10:27
by Umeboshi
An idea occured to me.

Long ago, there was intelligent life. They crossed the star ocean and prospered.
They needed a lot of Fluorine industrially, so they made some stars into a Fluorine factory.
Time had passed. Fluorine factory star had died. But fluorine remained.
Their fragment got together and a fluorine rich star was born.


Posted: 28.03.2005, 21:57
by kikinho
In Xenor, fluorine was not formed by the material in space, but it was formed by local chemical reactions and by first beings ( bacteria ), that produced fluorine instead of oxigen.

Posted: 28.03.2005, 21:57
by kikinho
In Xenor, fluorine was not formed by the material in space, but it was formed by local chemical reactions and by first beings ( bacteria ), that produced fluorine instead of oxigen.