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Moonbase addon

Posted: 24.02.2005, 02:04
by Cham
I may have finished my SF fantasy moonbase project. If there's some interest, I'll upload it to the Motherlode. I based my design on a crude map of the Clavius moonbase, from the 2001 movie, and I was also influenced by the Cosmos 1999 TV show (of course !). Here's a preview :


Posted: 24.02.2005, 02:09
by Dollan
Definite interest! Please, upload away!

Would I be able to use your model for some shots on my ArcBuilder website (when I get around to that point, anyway)?


Posted: 24.02.2005, 02:14
by Cham
Yes, of course, I'll be pleased to see my moonbase on some SF fan site. I'll wait for a week (maybe less), before I upload it, because I may have to edit the mesh to add few more details here and there.

Posted: 24.02.2005, 02:17
by Dollan
Sounds good!

Now all I need are some Stanford Toruses (torii?), Bernal spheres, and other such stations, and I'll be set!


moon base addon

Posted: 24.02.2005, 03:55
by Beowulf01

Hopefully when i get my poly issues figured out my L-5 wll be available to everyone.
along with other habitats.

Posted: 24.02.2005, 05:44
by dirkpitt
Nice! Is the topography (mountains, etc) of the surrounding area included too? Or is that just a normal map in
the screenshot...

Posted: 24.02.2005, 05:59
by Cham
It is a mesh, with small moutains surrounding the base. When you fly very close to the base (almost human scale), you can see all the horizon hidden behind the hills. See the picture below :


moon base addon

Posted: 24.02.2005, 11:51
by Beowulf01
WOW.. just SO kool....
so this lunar Terrain is not in Celestria> is it via your 3dprogram of some other program like terriagen?

Re: moon base addon

Posted: 24.02.2005, 14:21
by Cham
Beowulf01 wrote:WOW.. just SO kool....
so this lunar Terrain is not in Celestria> is it via your 3dprogram of some other program like terriagen?

No, no ! It IS in Celestia ! The terrain was modeled too, like the rest of the base. I placed the base and its terrain on the surface of the moon.

Posted: 24.02.2005, 15:33
by eburacum45
Dollan wrote:Sounds good!

Now all I need are some Stanford Toruses (torii?), Bernal spheres, and other such stations, and I'll be set!


I've got Stanford tori, Bernal Spheres, O'Neill colonies, a couple of zero gee space stations, and a generic rotating cylinder-

and a new interstellar ship - the Starlark...

must get round to updating the Motherlode...

Posted: 24.02.2005, 15:42
by eburacum45
And of course, this model of your own Almucantar design
(designed by J Dollan)

Posted: 24.02.2005, 16:39
by Dollan
O *love* the way the Almucantar turned out, Steve! Does the rotational section, well, rotate?


Posted: 24.02.2005, 16:57
by Cham
This is a picture of the "real" thing, from the original movie. It's the only shot of the moonbase, in the movie. Too bad we don't see it closer.


Posted: 24.02.2005, 19:08
by Jeam Tag
Cham wrote:This is a picture of the "real" thing, from the original movie. It's the only shot of the moonbase, in the movie. Too bad we don't see it closed.
Are you sure, Martin? Nowhere in the 2 seasons (I prefer the first one) there are better views of Alpha Base? I am very interesting by an Alpha base/site in Celestia, for the great Eagles we have !(Bob Hundley and Jestr had remodeled/adaptated some of the James Murphy's models, IIRC)The only modeled versions of the site i've ever seen were in Orbiter, don't remember if they are so detailed that the pic you provide, so, Merci pour ce joli projet! Jeam.

Posted: 24.02.2005, 19:32
by Jeam Tag
Jeam Tag wrote:Are you sure, Martin? Nowhere in the 2 seasons (I prefer the first one) there are better views of Alpha Base?
And there are some infos on it this plan the official one? don't remenber? but if itcan help...
Image ... ection.htm, etc... Jeam

Posted: 24.02.2005, 19:32
by eburacum45
Isn't that from 2001, rather than 1999 (neither of which were very good predictions of the future)?

And to John- No, the rotating section doesnt rotate- I don't think that is possible...

Posted: 24.02.2005, 19:34
by bh
Yes...I've reloaded the model...


Her's the link

Posted: 24.02.2005, 20:12
by Jeam Tag
bh wrote:Yes...I've reloaded the model...Her's the link
Hi bob, 'course i know you do that, my message was a little refresh for those did not remember. Noted the new adress: I've not updated my pages yet but it's on the way. I'm agree with you, as i wrote in french in my comments: the Eagle is one of the better realistics 'SF' engines ever used! The many devellopments used in films were perfectly credibles (even if the stories were sometimes ridiculous -Season 2). So, practical: tell me in pm all the new addresses I must mention on my update pages, what models/addons you want not to see quoted or not for the ancient ones, etc Jeam, in attempt of your new projects, cheers

Posted: 24.02.2005, 20:34
by eburacum45
I see; it is an amalgam of Clavius base and Moonbase Alpha.

Very good.

Posted: 24.02.2005, 22:45
by Cham
Jeam Tag

in case you didn't noticed, I was talking about the Clavius base, from "2001 A space Odyssey". My base was based on this Clavius moonbase map :
