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Creating starless bodies

Posted: 23.12.2004, 10:48
by Guest
Having recently discovered Celestia, I've been at work importing the information from Mandel's Star Trek: Star Charts. However, I've run into a dead end for creating rogue planetoids, space stations without a primary, and the like. I tried working with DSC files as a workaround with no luck - not only were the models translucent, but below a certain radius, they wouldn't display at all. (Of course, I was still working with Nebula data files, but as far as I could tell, this is the only supported type in this file. I could be wrong, though.) I'm working with 1.3.2 right now; is there a way to do such with this version, or if not, is this something implemented in 1.4?

Posted: 23.12.2004, 10:48
by Galerant
...OK, I was sure I was logged in for that post. Sorry about that.

Posted: 23.12.2004, 14:27
by selden
Unfortunately, DSC Nebula models are not yet drawn correctly :( Their vertices are drawn in the order they appear in the model. They're not depth sorted. This can cause all sorts of strange visual effects.

With v1.4.0, however, you can define a Barycenter (which is invisible) in an STC catalog and define an object in an SSC catalog orbiting the Barycenter. Models used in an SSC catalog are drawn reasonably well, although some bugs crept into the model code in v1.3.2 and haven't been stomped on yet.

how do you mark the barycenter

Posted: 27.12.2004, 03:01
by jlf
alright, stupid question, how do you make a barycenter without a steller primary to occupy it?