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Problems with add-ons

Posted: 29.10.2004, 22:06
by Thomas87
Hello everybody!

I've been using/enjoying Celestia for some time now, and I have recently started to download add-ons. However, with some add-ons I have difficulties. For example, when I try to view my downloaded model of the Voyager 2 space probe, I can't see the bloody thing:


How can this be? I'm using the latest version of Celestia (1.3.2)...

Many thanks in forward,

Thomas Roode

Posted: 29.10.2004, 22:14
by selden
The Voyager Addon was created long ago. It needs to be reorganized to work with current versions of Celestia.

Please read
especially the second problem description in section 6:

Posted: 30.10.2004, 15:05
by fsgregs
Dear Thomas:

I have a working add-on of the Voyagers that work fine in Celestia version 1.3.2. It is 1.7 mb in size. If you wish, I'll e-mail it to you. Let me know.

Frank G

Posted: 30.10.2004, 17:55
by Jeam Tag
fsgregs wrote:I have a working add-on of the Voyagers that work fine in Celestia version 1.3.2. It is 1.7 mb in size. If you wish, I'll e-mail it to you. Let me know.
Hmm, Frank, I've just quoted the Darkmiss version of this probe (766Kb) in my catalog (and backups). I'm curious about another one, please :-)

Posted: 31.10.2004, 17:08
by fsgregs
Jeam Tag:

I went to DarkMiss's site, downloaded his Voyager and it is the same as the one I use, so apparently, I do not have one different from the Voyager add-on.

Thomas 87:

The reason Voyager is not displaying in your system is that the Voyager add-on on the Motherlode (where I presume you got the add-on), downloads the ssc and xyz files only. These files tell Celestia where to put Voyager, and what texture and model to use to draw it. Unfortunately, there is no model or texture as part of the add-on. Apparently, they were inadvertently omitted when the add-on was placed on Motherlode. As a result, Celestia is trying to draw the model, but has no model to use, so naturally, nothing is displaying.

To get Voyager to display, discard the Voyager add-on that you downloaded from the Motherlode. Then, go to this website,

Click on the link to Voyager, download it and follow the directions for placing it in your extras folder. It contains the complete add-on and it should now work.


Frank G

Posted: 05.11.2004, 11:06
by Adirondack
The reason Voyager is not displaying in your system is that the Voyager add-on on the Motherlode (where I presume you got the add-on), downloads the ssc and xyz files only.


you are right, Jack's Voyager-Add-On comes without a model.
Please understand, that the Motherlode volunteers can't check every single add-on. We provide them as they were uploaded and as they are.

But I will add DarkMiss' Voyager-Add-On (with the model) to CM, so it will be available after the next CM update.


Posted: 06.11.2004, 00:07
fsgregs wrote:
Click on the link to Voyager, download it and follow the directions for placing it in your extras folder. It contains the complete add-on and it should now work.


Frank G

Hello Frank,
Are you using the ssc and xyz orbit files that came with the Voyager model from Darkmiss's site ?
It's just that Jack made available the new orbit data only, which is meant to be much more accurate than the originals included with the model.

The two elements of Darkmiss's model and Jacks orbit data need to be combined into the one package for the best results.


Posted: 06.11.2004, 15:40
by fsgregs
Yep, I did combine them some time ago.

I'd be happy to upload a complete Voyager add-on to Motherlode with the combined files and models, if that would be useful. Harry or Adorondack anyone, let me know.


Posted: 07.11.2004, 01:49
by Adirondack
I'd be happy to upload a complete Voyager add-on to Motherlode with the combined files and models, if that would be useful. Harry or Adorondack anyone, let me know.

thanks, but everything is already done! 8)

I've uploaded a combined add-on to the CM a few minutes ago and it's available now.

Thanks to Frank and TERRIER for giving hints to correct this stuff.


Posted: 04.01.2005, 18:53
by Sky Pilot
How about all of the Pioneer spacecraft? I've gotten the models of Pioneers 10 and 11 to work, but the earlier ones don't (using Celestia 1.3.2). Does anyone have good solid add-ons for all the Pioneers? It would be nice if they were all in a single zip file that installed them correctly.

Posted: 05.01.2005, 06:54
by alphap1us
I am in the middle of the very long process of re-packagin Jack Higgin's add-ons so that they install by unzipping into the extras directory. this is pretty long, so anyone that already has done something similar to any add-on should upload their copy to the motherlode. Make sure to call attention to the fact that it is an update of someone else's add-on.

Thanks mucho,

Posted: 05.01.2005, 21:40
by fsgregs

I've got most of Jack's spacecraft add-ons already installed as add-ons in my extras folder, complete with data, models, textures and ssc file. I can zip each one up and upload them all to you one at a time, if that would make your life easier.

I suggest you stop your own conversion until you get my zips and anyone else who already has the add-on packaged. That way, you will only need to package the spacecraft that we can't provide you.

let me know if you want me to start zipping and uploading.


Posted: 05.01.2005, 22:04
by alphap1us
Thank you! THis would be great. I suggest that you name each file <filename>, so that I can put them in Jack's folder and switch everything more easily. We should also try to think of a very clear readme, since this is what most people suggest. The tentative one I was using can be found here: ... NSTALL.txt

However, it should have more about intallation, possible problems, where to get help, etc. I'll hold off on any more re-packagin until you have exhausted all your copies.

Thanks again,

Posted: 05.01.2005, 22:41
by maxim

you may take a look at my page.
There is a package called 'Real Spacecrafts'. It contains all of Jacks spacecrafts, plus some other ones as one big extras-zip. Perhaps this is what you want.
