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Babylon 5 Ships

Posted: 21.04.2004, 10:09
by bcelestia
There are now 40 Babylon 5 Addons available @ my site

comprising of:

43 Spacecraft
2 Planets
1 Nebula
1 Jumpoint
1 Jumpgate
1 Asteriod

Most of the above have attached info HTML Files. I.E. Right-Click the object in Celestia and select Info to View.

Some of the ships are shown below:

Image Advanced Whitestar

Image EA Explorer

Image Minbari Sharlin WarCruiser

Image Vree Saucer Ship

Re: Babylon 5 Ships

Posted: 21.04.2004, 10:14
by Jeam Tag
bcelestia wrote:There are now 40 Babylon 5 Addons available @ my site

:wink: I must update my catalogu... :roll: Some picts are already here and next pages. Great Stuff BCelestia, tell me if I made errors in the notices..Jeam

Posted: 21.04.2004, 12:22
by jestr
Yeah nice work this must have taken a while to do all these,Jestr

Posted: 21.04.2004, 13:17
by bcelestia
Thanks Guys,


I'm afraid my French is about as good as my Irish.

The only issues I can see are with the Original Model Creators

I.E. The Advanced Whitestar is by Nadab Goksu & the Excalibur is by Thomas Banner.

Other than that your Notices look great.

There are still quite a few B5 ships I hope to convert Time, Wife & Webspace permitting.


Your conversion of the B5 Station looks to be a lot better than mine. I tried downloading it from your site without success, but I did manage to download the original Max version. I was'nt aware that it existed.

Posted: 21.04.2004, 15:13
by Jeam Tag
bcelestia wrote:Thanks Guys,Jeam,I'm afraid my French is about as good as my Iris.
The only issues I can see are with the Original Model Creators I.E. The Advanced Whitestar is by Nadab Goksu & the Excalibur is by Thomas Banner.
Thanks, I'll correct this. And what about the PSICorp Mothership?
For the french words, I wrote that you have nicely converted some models found on web, and are building a B5 Universe around Eps Eri.
Oh, and for the update I'll add a little explanation about your Info files: for guys wich have modified the folders' place (for exemple, my way to B5 is 'extras/SF/Babylon 5/etc... -I hadded a subfolder) It is necessary to modified the 'InfoURL lines' in all the '.ssc' files to see the right click working fine in Celestia. Just a little help.
Jestr's model seems finely downloadable for me... It just runs slowly in my Celestia, but it's a BIG folder. Maybe Psychotik, if he read this, could host a mirror on his site, even temporarily?. Jeam

Posted: 22.04.2004, 09:49
by bcelestia
The PSI Corp Mothership is by Marc_Laurent Magnier.

Jeam, how do you find the overall performance of Celestia within the
EPS Eri Solar System with all the ships in place.

Do I need to spread new ships out further so as not to slow down
Celestia too much.

There are 2 planets, provided by Celestia, already in the EPS Eri system
but I am reluctant to make use of them in case they disappear in future
Celestia versions. What do you think?

Maybe some extra planets could be added such as the Minbari or Centauri
home planets? I don't have any other B5 Planet Textures though.

Posted: 22.04.2004, 21:17
by Psykotik
I still don't know Babylon 5 series, but I love its ships !

Thank you for improving that universe.

Posted: 22.04.2004, 21:37
by selden
B5 is available on DVD here in the U.S. I suspect that you can order them if you really want :) Unfortunately, the price for each season's set is absurdly high. :(

Posted: 23.04.2004, 10:00
by bcelestia
The B5 Series ran for several seasons - showing late @ Night on UK Channel 4 I Think. I could never understand why it did'nt supercede Star Trek @ the time as the premier SF series on TV as its Graphic Imagery & Continous Story Line were far better than Star Trek. The series ended with a teriffic battle sequence between basically all the good guys against the bad for dominance of the Galaxy.

The new Star Trek series has adopted a similar continous Story Line approach and the Graphic Imagery has improved a lot but I still prefer the B5 series.

Posted: 23.04.2004, 10:55
by Dora

thanks a lot for these nice ships. :)

Unfortunately I didn't get "Babylon 5 Station" to work. I have downloaded all 40 Babylon files and have decompressed them into the right directory. I can select and see all ships except Babylon 5.

Have I done something wrong?


Posted: 23.04.2004, 12:22
by bcelestia
Geez Dora I was'nt aware of any problems with the station. Essentially it's just another ship orbiting Epsilon Eridani 3. I assume you can't see the Thunderbolt or Maintenance Bot either as they orbit the station.

Has any else come across this?? ....... and fixed it.

I'm running Celestia version 1.3.1 on Windows 2000.

If you browse to the 'Epsilon Eridani System' Folder within the Celestia\Extras\Babylon 5 folder you should see the 'B5 Station' Folder listed among all the other Ship Folders. Inside it you should see a 'B5 station.ssc' file and 2 sub folders 'models' & 'textures'. The ssc files can be opened with notepad and are very similar for all the ships. You should see a line in the file

"Babylon 5 Station" "Eps Eri/Epsilon Eridani 3"

This is essentially the entry that puts the Station or any other ship into orbit around the Epsilon Eridani 3 Planet.

You should/could compare the ssc file and subfolder contents with say the whitestar and see if you can spot any significant discrepancies.

The only other thing I can think of off the top of my thinning head is that on your operating system? celestia is attempting to create the station prior to creating the planet and failing. In that case though I would expect that some of the other ships would'nt work either.

Let me know if you come across anything and we can discuss further.

Posted: 23.04.2004, 16:58
by Dora
Hi bcelestia,

thanks for your reply! :)

I have already checked all dirs and ssc's. They seem to be ok and I couldn't find out, why Babylon 5 and its little ships (Bot and the Thunderbolt) aren't listed in the Solar System Browser.

The B5 station and the 2 small ships are the only ones, which don't work. All the other beauties work perfect and look just great! :)

I hope someone can find the mistake!


Posted: 26.04.2004, 09:34
by bcelestia
Hi Dora,

Sorry to hear that you have had no success.

You could try:

1. Downloading and reinstalling the B5_1 addon again in case the ACE file was corrupt. You will need to reinstall the Later Info addons again if all works ok.
2. Open the station 3DS file in Anim8or to see it is OK.
3. Create a new addon folder say fred with models and textures and medres subfolders. Copy the station 3DS file into the models folder, also the textures into the medres folder. Copy one of the other addon ssc files. Edit it to use the station 3DS file. Change the name of the ship to say…Fred. Change the Semimajoraxis value to some slightly different value. Save it and see if the ship Fred appears in Celestia.

PS. I've added 2 new B5 addons to my site today.

Posted: 27.04.2004, 11:17
by Jeam Tag
bcelestia wrote:PS. I've added 2 new B5 addons to my site today.
Nice. I've hadded them on pp 4 & 5 in the B5 Catalog. And no, I have no problem with your B5 Station: all your add-ons work fine for me.Jeam

Posted: 06.05.2004, 20:27
by Dan2310
Nice work!!!

Couldn't wait. Had to download them all!!!

I hope ther will be more from you.

Great work


Posted: 07.05.2004, 09:02
by Dora

shit, I didn't get the station to work. I followed your instructions, created a new dir, copied all needed files, copied another ssc, edited it and started Celestia. But there isn't any Bab.5Station. I have checked the model in Anim8or and it looks great. But in Celestia it isn't listed in the Solar System Browser. :(


Posted: 07.05.2004, 09:56
by Psykotik
Same problem, here. The solution I found : create a new dir, same name, and copy/paste all the contents into the new dir.

That's a very strange problem, since unacing didn't give any decompression error.

Anyway, it finally works. That's incredible how far you are gone, creating a whole system 8O

Posted: 07.05.2004, 11:50
by selden
Are there any error messages shown in Celestia's "console log"?

To see it, you need to type a "~" (tilde).
On U.S. keyboards, it's usually a "shift-`"
On keyboards that support diacritical marks, (e.g. most European keyboards) you usually have to type a space after it so the program sees the tilde by itself.

Posted: 07.05.2004, 12:50
by bcelestia
Changing the directory name to get one of the addons to appear does have a certain justification from my own experience. Celestia obviously reads addons in a particular order and then tries to create the addon. If the addon is dependent on another addon then I assume Celestia would have to have created the Master addon first before it will create the dependent.

In creating the B5 addons I have had to tinker with Folder Names (for the above reason - I think?) to get them to appear.

I'm currently working on an addon to create Jupiters moon 'Ganymede' orbiting Epsilon Eridani 3. The moon is created with a file ganymede.ssc. On the moon their is a stationary Base (ganymede base) which is created with a file ganymede base.ssc. I had to rename the Folder containing the Base from Ganymede Base to ZGanymede Base to get it to appear.

I must have a look at the console log on my own PC as Selden advises.

Posted: 07.05.2004, 14:06
by Dora

finally, it works and looks just awesome! I thank you so much for the station. :)

I have deleted all B5Addons, reinstalled them and changed the directory name "Babylon 5 Station" in "BStation". I wish I would have known a bit earlier that it's simple as that... ;)
