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X-Wing and a few other SciFi models

Posted: 05.03.2004, 03:12
by jestr
Lately Ive been configuring some SciFi model spaceships to work in Celestia.
With some of them it was just a matter of changing the format and size of the textures,others were a good bit more work.Anyhow you can find the ones I've done so far here
Hope you like them,Jestr

Re: X-Wing and a few other SciFi models

Posted: 05.03.2004, 09:41
by Jeam Tag
jestr wrote:Lately Ive been configuring some SciFi model spaceships to work in Celestia.

Thanks, Jestr, it is what I try to do many months ago -see my SF pages- but don't succeed very well...
Just a comment about the download:
Seems that we can't find the Asgard textures 'asgshpwn.jpg' & 'asgshpwa.jpg' and the Discovery 'thruster.jpg' one. All the other files right. I'll install them and see how they run. Thanks, Jeam


Posted: 05.03.2004, 15:16
by HS
I've downloaded "Immense," "Discovery," and "Space Station V." And tried to install all of them. The "Thruster.jpg" didn't download, but it doesn't seem to be needed. I've used an old ssc for "Discovery" and everything seems to work well. The "Space Station V" download seems to work well, but it doesn't have a shuttle near the station. That shuttle appears in the picture of the station on your site. I downloaded the "Immense" model and textures, but I can't get them to work. Do we need an "ssc" or perhaps can you tell us where the add-on is located. That is, is the "Immense" around some star, and not around any object in our solar system?

Many thanks for all the add-ons you've created. I've especially enjoyed Thebe and Mimas.

Posted: 05.03.2004, 15:25
by Psykotik
Thanks a lot. But the next step is to make the ssc files... :roll:

If you have time do it, I'll make the zip file with a credit's readme and share it with emule.

Posted: 05.03.2004, 16:29
by Jeam Tag
Psykotik wrote:Thanks a lot. But the next step is to make the ssc files... :roll:
You're right Folk. Just a little thing: as I try to do when I try to make some models found all over the Net run in Celestia, especially SW ones, whe must find the sizes of each ones. Example: in the shot, Jestr have a radius of 50m for the X-Wing craft, i've found +-15m long for it...
I have some, that I'm using to place Jestr models [The 3 missing textures are a pity, but ALL the models works fine :lol: -hoh, the Immense ST Station runs maybe a little slow, but it is my computer, not the model!] for the moment for testing around Jupi [non, pas 'Tchupi' :wink: ] I remember that I've had found a site with all the sizes of the SW Fleet vessels, but I've lost it, and these I find now aren't complete.
And we must find locations in SW Universe, i don't know where. Any Idea?
If you have time do it, I'll make the zip file with a credit's readme and share it with emule.
I've grouped each model in their proper folder/zip for me, if it can help.

Posted: 05.03.2004, 19:14
by Psykotik
Jeam Tag wrote:I've grouped each model in their proper folder/zip for me, if it can help.

You made the ssc file ? And you try to cheat me, saying you need my help ? What a liar ! :lol:

Where could I download them ?

Posted: 05.03.2004, 23:38
Although I don't have the Star Wars add-ons installed anymore, a while ago I was playing around with a fairly simple .ssc file that shows a 3-man x-wing bombing run of the Death Star trench. This is the full .ssc that I used for it, with all my STAR WARS add-ons;

Code: Select all

"Endor" "HD 143761"
        Texture "Endor.jpg"
        BumpMap "Endorbump.jpg"
        BumpHeight 3.5   
        Radius   5786.775
   # Oblateness 0.003
   Atmosphere {
      Height 120
      Lower [ 0.5 0.5 0.65 ]
      Upper [ 0.3 0.3 0.6 ]
      Sky [ 0.3 0.6 0.9 ]
      CloudHeight 7
      CloudSpeed 65
      CloudMap "earthclouds.png"  # or your usual earth cloud texture

(works better with a blue one)

   CustomOrbit "Endor"

   EllipticalOrbit {   
      Period            7.4561
      SemiMajorAxis     4.4578
      Eccentricity      0.0127
      Inclination       0.2245
      AscendingNode   348.739
      LongOfPericenter 102.947
           MeanLongitude   100.46
   RotationPeriod    56.92425
   Obliquity         12.08
   LongOfRotationAxis 262.78

   Albedo           0.4


"Death Star" "HD 143761/Endor"
        Class "planet"
        Mesh "dstar.3ds"
        Radius 1600

        CustomOrbit "Death Star"
        EllipticalOrbit {
      Period          0.20
      SemiMajorAxis   24000
      Eccentricity    0.001
   Albedo       0.10

"x-wing" "HD 143761/Endor/Death Star"
Class "spacecraft"
Mesh "xwing.3ds"
Radius 0.0075
Period 0.001275
SemiMajorAxis 1700
Eccentricity 0.0743
   AscendingNode 0
   ArgOfPericenter 0
#Orientation [ 270 0 0 1]
Orientation [ 90 0 0 1]   
RotationOffset 270
Albedo 0.1

"x-wingman1" "HD 143761/Endor/Death Star"
Class "spacecraft"
Mesh "xwing.3ds"
Radius 0.0075
Period 0.001275
SemiMajorAxis 1700.015
Eccentricity 0.0743
Inclination 0.001
   AscendingNode 0
   ArgOfPericenter 0
#Orientation [ 270 0 0 1]
Orientation [ 90 0 0 1]   
RotationOffset 270
Albedo 0.1

"x-wingman2" "HD 143761/Endor/Death Star"
Class "spacecraft"
Mesh "xwing.3ds"
Radius 0.0075
Period 0.001275
SemiMajorAxis 1700.023
Eccentricity 0.0743
Inclination 359.999
   AscendingNode 0
   ArgOfPericenter 0
#Orientation [ 270 0 0 1]
Orientation [ 90 0 0 1]   
RotationOffset 270
Albedo 0.1

#"Ti Fighter" "HD 143761/Endor/Death Star"
#Class "spacecraft"
#Mesh "TF_3ds3d.3ds"
#Radius 0.0075
#Period 0.001275
#SemiMajorAxis 1700.02
#Eccentricity 0.07433
#Inclination 359.9992
   #AscendingNode 0
   #ArgOfPericenter 0
##Orientation [ 270 0 0 1]
#Orientation [ 90 0 0 1]   
#RotationOffset 270
#Albedo 0.1

"Tatooine" "HD 143761"
        Texture "Tatooine.jpg"
        BumpMap "TatBump.jpg"
        BumpHeight 5.0
        Radius   7432.1254
   Atmosphere {
      Height 100
      Lower [ 0.5 0.5 0.65 ]
      Upper [ 0.3 0.3 0.6 ]
      Sky [ 0.3 0.6 0.9 ]}

   EllipticalOrbit {   
      Period            2.4561
      SemiMajorAxis     1.8945
      Eccentricity      0.1067
      Inclination       0.0201
      AscendingNode   348.739
      LongOfPericenter 102.947
           MeanLongitude   100.46
   RotationPeriod    39.92425
   Obliquity         12.08
   LongOfRotationAxis 262.78

   Albedo           0.8


The only problem is, that the x-wing model is such a detailed and large file, that 1 of them, yet alone 3 causes quite a severe case of S-L-O-W-D-O-W-N. Well it did on my system anyway.

Oh, and I also included some [#]hashed out settings for a Ti Fighter too, that (I think) was chasing them !


Posted: 05.03.2004, 23:52
by Jeam Tag
Psykotik wrote:You made the ssc file ? And you try to cheat me, saying you need my help ? What a liar ! :lol: Where could I download them ?

Nowhere. I JUST said: testIng about my poor knowledge and Computer, for the moment. So, about the sizes, extracts -Better ones nedeed :wink: :
Star Wars Fleet:
"A-Wing" "Sol/Jupiter" # "HD 143761/Coruscant"
Class "spacecraft"
Mesh "awing.3ds" #Jestr conversion
Radius 0.0048 #9.6 m?tres?
"B-wing" "Sol/Jupiter" # "HD 143761/Coruscant"
Class "spacecraft"
Mesh "bwing.3ds" #Jestr conversion
Radius 0.0045 #9 m?tres?
"X-Wing" "Sol/Jupiter" # "HD 143761/Coruscant"
Class "spacecraft"
Mesh "xwing.3ds" #Jestr conversion
Radius 0.0075 #15 m?tres?
"Destroyer" "Sol/Jupiter" # "HD 143761/Coruscant"
Class "spacecraft"
Mesh "stardestroyer.3ds" #Jestr conversion
Radius 0.450 # 900 m?tres?
"Corvette" "Sol/Jupiter" # "HD 143761/Coruscant"
Class "spacecraft"
Mesh "corvette.3ds" #Jestr conversion
Radius 0.075 # 150 m?tres
"Nebulon B" "Sol/Jupiter" # Frigate # "HD 143761/Coruscant"
Class "spacecraft"
Mesh "nebulonB.3ds" #Jestr conversion
Radius 0.189 # 378 metres?
"Republic Cruiser" "Sol/Jupiter" # "HD 143761/Coruscant"
Class "spacecraft"
Mesh "republicruiser.3ds" #Jestr conversion
Radius 0.225 # 450 metres?
1"Shuttle" "Sol/Jupiter" # "HD 143761/Coruscant"
Class "spacecraft"
Mesh "shuttle.3ds" #Jestr conversion
Radius 0.017 # 34 metres?
Sorry, I don't have many time to try to align the models, I lose myself there a little, but I'll try to have r?sonnables sceenshots...
Cheers, Jeam

Posted: 06.03.2004, 01:20
by Psykotik
Thanks a lot, guys. I'll be able to fight the dark star, thanks to your help ;-)

But since I'm intersted either in other fleets than the star wars one, I'll have to be less lazy and try to understand these ssc file. It seems like I'm going to have a trip to the selden's site :lol:

Jestr, I found some bad links for the Asgard ship : the two last textures don't match with their names.

Thank to everyone.

Jeam, j'attends toujours de tes nouvelles... et faudra que tu m'expliques comment tu trouves le radius.

Posted: 06.03.2004, 09:02
by Jeam Tag
Psykotik wrote:But since I intersted too in other fleet than the star wars one, I'll have to be less lazy and try to understand these ssc file. It seems like I'm going to have a trip to the selden's site :lol:
And the Thomas Guilpain one: there's a french explanation of .ssc files.
Jestr, I found some bad links for the Asgard ship : the two last textures don't match with their names.
Tu as r?ussit ? charger les 3 que j'avais not? manquantes?
Jeam, j'attends toujours de tes nouvelles... et faudra que tu m'expliques comment tu trouves le radius.
J'y pense... suite en pv. Pour le radius: il me semble que Celestia lit l'objet comme une sph?re, donc si tu connais la plus grande longueur de cet objet, tu divises par deux pour obtenir le rayon (radius) de cette sph?re. La valeur indiqu?e dans le fichier .ssc est en km pour les objets plan?taires, donc un 'Tie' de 15 m ? un Radius: 0.0075
For the radius: it seems to me that Celestia reads the object like a sphere, therefore if you know the biggest length of this object, you divide by two to obtain the radius of this sphere. The value indicated in the ssc file is in km for the planetary objects, therefore a 15 m ' Tie' has a Radius: 0.0075. Jeam

Posted: 06.03.2004, 19:55
by jestr
OK the links for the Asgard textures are fixed and there should be no 'thruster.jpg' for Discovery ,hope this sorts out any problems I expect I will add more models as I do them,Jestr

Posted: 07.03.2004, 01:41
by Psykotik
Well, I have had some time to spare today, so I tried to learn the ssc file. Guilepain's site didn't explain how works the Orientation option, so I've improvised.

I've done all the ssc files for the starwars ships, and you can download it here (direct link). Credit file included. It's in french written, but I'm sure you won't be lost... follow the pics !

Let me know what you think about, and let me know what I have to revise, I just began my apprenticeship ;-)

Jeam Tag wrote:Tu as r?ussit ? charger les 3 que j'avais not? manquantes?
Yep, j'ai vu que les liens ne pointaient pas sur les vraies noms, donc je les ai modifi?s manuellement.

For the radius: it seems to me that Celestia reads the object like a sphere, therefore if you know the biggest length of this object, you divide by two to obtain the radius of this sphere. The value indicated in the ssc file is in km for the planetary objects, therefore a 15 m ' Tie' has a Radius: 0.0075.

It has been helpfull. Thanks friend.

Millenium Falcon

Posted: 11.03.2004, 01:21
by jestr
As you can see here
I have just finished getting a model of the Millenium Falcon to work in Celestia.You can download it with most of the others from a new site
It would seem I have overloaded my welcome at asphost (my previous sci fi models site) so I have started another one-lets hope this one lasts a bit longer,Jestr

Posted: 11.03.2004, 06:03
by bond
Psykotik: Thanks for spending the time on the scc's - I think you're confusing your radius with your diameter, though - if, for example, the Star Destroyer is 1.8km long its radius will only be half that - 0.9km.

Incedentally I'm having trouble getting the ships to "fly" with the belly facing the planet's surface, rather than side-on. Every scc I've ever tried to write seems to come out with a different and unpredictable orientation. :oops:

(Also, Jestr, your Millenium Falcon zip seems to be corrupted, anyone else having this problem?)

Posted: 11.03.2004, 11:35
by jestr
I am trying to upload the falcon again,it seems like a few of the bigger models are corrupt,I will try to sort this out but if you cant get it from here you can try my FTP site
It will take a little longer though,Jestr
ps thanks to everyone with ssc's I would have included them but everyone has different imaginary systems they might want to put them in,I thought it was easier to put the models up and leave it to you to find a home for them

Posted: 12.03.2004, 00:19
by bh
This is one of my favourite sci fi craft ever...
Larger pic...

Posted: 12.03.2004, 17:12
by Cham
Can you share it ? I want to compare with the other from Jestr.

Posted: 12.03.2004, 17:50
by Psykotik
bond wrote:Psykotik: Thanks for spending the time on the scc's - I think you're confusing your radius with your diameter, though - if, for example, the Star Destroyer is 1.8km long its radius will only be half that - 0.9km.

Hi James :lol: ! Thanks for feedbacking, since I need it badly. I just began to manipulate ssc files, I have to learn a lot...

If the comments are not egals to radius, is because I forgot to change the comments, not the radius. I've been looking for a radius corresponding to my tastes, and I kept the 1.8 km one. I'll have to update the comments.

bond wrote:Incedentally I'm having trouble getting the ships to "fly" with the belly facing the planet's surface, rather than side-on. Every scc I've ever tried to write seems to come out with a different and unpredictable orientation. :oops:

Thanks for pointing that out. I've updated the ssc files, but to not have to download them again, just change the "Period" option to something between "0.2" and "0.4". As Corruscant as an rotation faster than Earth, it couldn't work with a so much long period...

Posted: 13.03.2004, 02:53
by bh
Cham wrote:Can you share it ? I want to compare with the other from Jestr.

If you have the/a model...all you need do is apply the texture...I will try to find it. I had forgotten all about my StarWars addons.

Posted: 14.03.2004, 23:57
by wasj2004
Hey guys, if you wanna get the sizes of the models right, check this site out!
Nice job on converting the models Jestr. Im working on a few but its a slow go process! been kinda busy lately.