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New Jestr Moons sites

Posted: 05.02.2004, 23:30
by jestr
I have started up a new website for my new models,it should guarantee more bandwidth per day .You can find it here
So far I have made new bigger models for Mars' moons Deimos and Phobos ,and most of Jupiters' and Saturns'.In the coming weeks I will be adding Uranus and Neptunes' and some more for Jupiter and Saturn.
Hope you like them,Jestr

Re: New Jestr Moons site

Posted: 05.02.2004, 23:57
by Guest
jestr wrote:I have started up a new website for my new models,it should guarantee more bandwidth per day .So far I have made new bigger models for Mars' moons Deimos and Phobos ,and most of Jupiters' and Saturns'.In the coming weeks I will be adding Uranus and Neptunes' and some more for Jupiter and Saturn.
Hope you like them,Jestr

Well done, Jestr! :D
I have downloaded Phobos and Deimos in just a few seconds, it's been a pleasure. :wink:
Waiting for Uranus and Neptune's moons. :roll:
By and thank you very much. :P

Andrea :D

Re: New Jestr Moons site

Posted: 06.02.2004, 00:06
Anonymous wrote:
jestr wrote:I have started up a new website for my new models,it should guarantee more bandwidth per day .So far I have made new bigger models for Mars' moons Deimos and Phobos ,and most of Jupiters' and Saturns'.In the coming weeks I will be adding Uranus and Neptunes' and some more for Jupiter and Saturn.
Hope you like them,Jestr
Well done, Jestr! :D
Andrea :D

Sorry, the Guest was me! :oops:
Beg your pardon. :cry:

Andrea :D

Posted: 06.02.2004, 00:20

I've just tried to access your new site using the link you have given, and this is what I am seeing;

Site Temporarily Unavailable

This page is not available right now because of one of the following reasons:

There is no index.html file in this directory. Directory index browsing is disabled for free accounts. The owner of this site must upgrade to a paid account if he/she wants directory browsing enabled.
This account has been suspended because it has gone over the the bandwidth limit. The owner of this site has been sent a notice of this. You will be able to access this site starting tomorrow or next month, depending on the bandwidth over-usage of this site. However, note that if the bandwidth usage goes over the limit again in the future, this site will be disabled again for the rest of that period.


Posted: 06.02.2004, 00:49
TERRIER wrote:JestrI've just tried to access your new site using the link you have given, and this is what I am seeing;
Site Temporarily Unavailable
This page is not available right now because of one of the following reasons:
There is no index.html file in this directory. Directory index browsing is disabled for free accounts. The owner of this site must upgrade to a paid account if he/she wants directory browsing enabled.
This account has been suspended because it has gone over the the bandwidth limit. The owner of this site has been sent a notice of this. You will be able to access this site starting tomorrow or next month, depending on the bandwidth over-usage of this site. However, note that if the bandwidth usage goes over the limit again in the future, this site will be disabled again for the rest of that period.

Ah, those KIND, RELIABLE, FREE web hosting sites! :evil:
Alas, it was too much nice! :cry:
Will be better with the next one, Jestr, let's hope! :wink:

Andrea :D

Posted: 06.02.2004, 01:16
by jestr
Yes I thought it was too good to be true.It promised 600Mb per month,but said nothing about a daily limit.Now I have just got an Email from them saying Hourly rate -12Mb
Daily rate - 19.8Mb
Monthly - 600Mb
I guess it makes sense 600/30=20, but they might have said.I'll keep on trying.You should be able to get the same files/same site basically at the previous address at,but I havent checked everything is working yet.Jestr

Posted: 06.02.2004, 04:53
by jestr
OK heres another two sites to try for my moon models
Lets hope these last a little longer.Good luck Jestr

Posted: 06.02.2004, 05:04
by Ptarmigan
I dont know if this suggestion may be of any help but,
I have a few redundant UKisp/websites (freeserve, ukonline, ic24 etc)which profess to have Mb of space and which I do not use anymore since i got an ulimited dialup account
If you wish to explore the possibility of me temporarily** miroring some of your stuff then let me know.
I dont know how ( or if) they would withstand MB/min of downloads ! but it might be worth a try ?
I can write html for simple(ish) pages and indexes and zip downloadables etc>>>

PS I also hve several space but i expect you have already followed that route !?

**temporarily till you get suitable webspace of your own etc. and supposing I can download your files ! ( I have got some of your newjupitermoons this morning via ftp before I was cut off ! :-( )

{edit later}
PPS I've tried lots of so-say freewebspace services over the years and they have all been,,, errrr how shall I say ,,,, infested with popups and/or undisclosed limits till u really need,,, yeah,, need I go on ? caveat emptor or summat !


Posted: 06.02.2004, 05:08
by jestr
yeah,mirror what you like Malcolm,sounds good to me.I think I'm going to get banned from some site sooner or later-still theres plenty more to try,Jestr

Posted: 06.02.2004, 05:45
by Ptarmigan
jestr wrote:yeah,mirror what you like Malcolm
Ok, I'll have a fiddle tomorrow (5:30am local now) and see what can be doneandwhat's possible
jestr wrote:I think I'm going to get banned from some site sooner or later-still theres plenty more to try,JestrC
Quite so! Ive not yet achieved getting banned but they set themselves up to be tried,,, so why shouldnt we ??? :-)

Have you any experiences with yahoo-uk and yahoo -com ? I have space(s) there but till now only used them as disposable mail adresses and modest (limited) webspace. I dont know how they would withstand lotsa hits ??


Re: New Jestr Moons sites

Posted: 06.02.2004, 16:52
by danielj
Where are the old textures?If they aren?t there,how can I revert map rotation to make work in Celestia 1.3.1?

Posted: 06.02.2004, 19:38
by jestr
Daniel, cant you just rotate the model using Orientation command (I'm not sure of the numbers for this,I think Grant explained in another thread) and the texture should stay in the same position relative to the model-or you could install Celestia 1.3.2 pre1.If you are still having problems let me know,Jestr

Posted: 06.02.2004, 23:19

Although I was greeted by;
40 Meg Limit Exceeded!

This site has exceeded its limit of 40 Megabytes of transfer per day. The account can be upgraded to a paid account to increase the transfer limit up to 15 Gigs of transfer per month in your user tools section.

at the 012 website, I've had success on the 250free website.

Cheers for all your efforts!


PS I checked your topcities site as well, and it seems fine for the time being. :D

Posted: 06.02.2004, 23:25
by Ptarmigan
your topcities newmoons site seems to be working ok as well,
so perhaps a mirror by me is not needed after all.


Posted: 07.02.2004, 11:13

Have you made a model and texture for Elara to be available on the 250free website ? :wink:


Posted: 07.02.2004, 12:13
by jestr
yes,but I've missed it out on all of the moon sites.Cheers for pointing this out mate.Jestr

Posted: 08.02.2004, 18:41
by Darkmiss
jestr great work on the noons web site
I saw it for the first time today, due to the bandwith problems.

I couldn't believe how many you had done.

My questions are
1: are any of these moons models locked to the JPG texture, as some of your previous models where.
(can i convert the texture to DDS and still use it) :?:

2: which models are more up to date and correct, these or the new ones in the 132 update :?:

Also I take it that the textures are all fictional ( beautiful non the less ) :?:

Posted: 08.02.2004, 20:59
by jestr
Paul the ones on the website are the most recent and most accurate
but out of the ones on the topcities site -metis,atlas,and calypso are incorrectly oriented to their planets,I havent had time to upload the newer versions to this site .Cheers Jestr

Posted: 11.02.2004, 03:14
by jestr
I have now uploaded the minor moons of Uranus and Neptune to 2 of the moons websites (I cant reach the topcities site its too busy) so if you want these they are at
Ive also changed Metis,Pan,Atlas,and Calypso as their long axes were not pointing towards their respective planets.You can put any texture supported by Celestia on them and AltSurfaces,so you can also re-use the models elsewhere (fictional Universes?) its up to you.Jestr

Posted: 11.02.2004, 06:57
by Bob Hegwood
Hey Jestr,

Just wanted to thank you again for the Saturn models.

Even though I didn't see much use for the Mimas/Tethys models on my poor limited machine, the others are an improvement over what I had before.

Thank you sir... When do you sleep? :wink:

Take care, Bob