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Posted: 16.12.2003, 20:09
by jestr
OK Jack ,I've done models and textures for the 51 minor moons in the 'MinorMoons.ssc'.If anyone wants them they can get them here-
I'm going to try uploading to some or other website but the free ones are a bit of a pain with all sorts of limitations (cos they're free I guess),I'll let you know if I have any luck,cheers Jestr
I've just fixed the orientation of the moons ,so if you have downloaded it already-I suggest downloading the ssc again ,from the above address

Re: MinorMoons

Posted: 16.12.2003, 23:58
jestr wrote:OK Jack ,I've done models and textures for the 51 minor moons in the 'MinorMoons.ssc'.If anyone wants them they can get them here-
I'm going to try uploading to some or other website but the free ones are a bit of a pain with all sorts of limitations (cos they're free I guess),I'll let you know if I have any luck,cheers Jestr

Jestr, I've seen your page with lots of textures, and I was very interested to check your 64K BlueMarble Earth VT. But after a long check my PC gave me this result: time needed to download the full directory: 11 days 15 hours and some minute (I have ADSL connection).
Is it possible to have ALL the subdirectories in .zip form? This could save some downloading time. :wink:
Moreover, can you please give me the address of the post in which you announced this texture? I've been unable to find it. I would like to see at least some shots, before downloading so big a texture.

By and thank you anyhow. :D


Posted: 17.12.2003, 05:57
by jestr
The post I announced this texture in was called'64k Blue Marble'.There are already zip files of different levels in the same folder as all the levels themselves.They're still pretty big though, if you do it a bit at a time you can resume each time as far as i know or you can click on the folders of the different levels and copy some each time,I wish I had a website to hold it but its not likely anytime soon,Jestr

Minor Moons

Posted: 17.12.2003, 16:39
by HS
Many thanks for all the work you've put into this project. I've downloaded the Minor Moons add-ons and have had a chance to look at them. Here are some observations:

Thebe: Something is wrong with the way the texture wraps around the 3D model. Vertical stripes appear.

Isone: The moon appears to be just black, no texture is apparent.

(Incidentally, the texture for both of the above cited moons seems to be the same except for a reflection.)

Phobe: This moon is not in your SSC file.

Nereid: This moon is not in your SSC file.

The "pinch effect" is apparent in the center of many of your moons. Is there some way that this effect could be softened?

I have also tried to download some parts of your 64k Blue Marble texture. I am using Net Transport as my download program. All my attempts have failed. I've managed to download very large file before but downloading such large files from your site seems to be impossible.

Again thanks for all the work you've put into this project.

Posted: 17.12.2003, 16:48
by selden
One way to alleviate the "pinch effect" is to use a Photoshop Plugin which is designed to stretch an image so it's a "simple cylindrical" projection.

Richard Rosenman's free "Spherical Mapping Corrector" plugin does this. It is available at

(Don't forget that Photoshop Plugins can be used with most modern Windows paint programs, not just Photoshop. I've used this one with Painter 8, for example.)

Posted: 17.12.2003, 21:10
by jestr
Thanks for the tip Selden,I will have to remake all the textures again,but for now if you want my MinorMoons addon you can get it here-
It could be a lot of work though as I was limited in the file size I could upload (250k only),so I resized everything to fit.Then I found that '' wont allow you download 3ds files directly-so I renamed all the model files as PNG's.To download you must right click on the link for each model,and 'save target as', change file format from PNG to 3ds and it should work.All the best Jestr

Posted: 18.12.2003, 03:12
by danielj
I know that are total fictious texture,but Larissa,Naiad,Galathea and Despina are dark soothlike moons.Your textures for this moon is too colorful and light.Anyway,is it really total hypotetical this textures?I think the textures for these moon are very similar to the asteroids(Trojans,Centaurs,Kuiper).One more thing : there isn?t a kuiperbelt.ssc avaliable,only one that define Quoar.

Posted: 18.12.2003, 03:45
by selden

Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs) are also known as Trans-Neptunian Objects = TNOs.

An SSC of Kuiper Belt Objects can be found at

Specifically, the file lists the orbits of 652 such bodies.

The catalog was created back in January, though. I'm sure more have been found since then.

Posted: 18.12.2003, 05:33
by jestr
I have just remade the textures for MinorMoons using the above mentioned plugin and they look a lot better,though it was quite a bit of work to make them 'tile' again after using the plugin.Hope you like them.
I'm just uploading the textures to the '50megs' website above,and they're already on my FTP site (also above)-called 'BetterMinorMoons' theres a ZIP file and a smaller RAR.Sorry about the moons you mentioned Daniel
,where did you get the info about them?All the best Jestr

Posted: 18.12.2003, 06:07
by Bob Hegwood
selden wrote:An SSC of Kuiper Belt Objects can be found at

Specifically, the file lists the orbits of 652 such bodies.


Just thought I'd let you know that above urls are invalid. They take you to a
page which says that "Error 404 Not Found."

Same with the zip file reference. I simply went to your excellent resources
page and found the offered references, but others may not know enough
about your site to get there from here... :wink:

Take care, Bob. (And *thanks* for the resources.)

Posted: 18.12.2003, 12:43
by selden

As usual, I left out the /celestia/ :oops:

I'll fix the links above.

Posted: 18.12.2003, 16:56
by danielj
I didn?t find the named TNO like Varuna.Isn?t there any ssc which includes the most famous TNOS?

Posted: 18.12.2003, 17:37
by selden

Celestia 1.3.1pre11 includes its own SSC entry for an object named just Varuna, which does not include the number. If you cannot select
then something is wrong with your Celestia installation.

The names declared in tnos_22jan03.ssc (from include the official minor planet numeric designation in front of the alphabetic name, so you have to select the object
20000 Varuna

The two orbits are somewhat different, placing Varuna at locations about 1.6MKm apart.

Posted: 18.12.2003, 22:33
by selden
For those who care about such things, I've updated

It now contains tnos_18dec03.ssc, listing the 731 KBOs discovered up through Nov 21st.

Added slightly later:

I've also updated the list of Centaurs and of "Others".

Thanks Jestr

Posted: 21.12.2003, 06:33
by Bob Hegwood

Just wanted to *THANK YOU* for all of the interesting models and textures you've made available to us...

I really don't care that the textures and models are mostly fictitious, since our only alternative
to most of these objects is a re-use of the asteroid.jpg and asteroid.cms mesh.

It's MUCH more fun to use your imaginative models and textures to display Adrastea, for
example, than it is to see the SAME pictures/models used for almost all of these objects.

Many, many thanks for the effort. I'm thoroughly enjoying adding a minor moon -
one at a time - to my Celestial environment. 8)

Take care, Bob

Posted: 21.12.2003, 07:47
by jestr
Thanks a lot guys for your encouragement,I am reworking models and textures for other moons at the moment and have so far done the other
moons of Mars,Jupiter,and Saturn.You can see screenshots here-
At the moment you can only get it from my FTP (see now post below)
The zip is called 'MajorMoons' and includes new models/textures for
Deimos,Phobos,Amalthea,Mimas,Enceladus,Tethys,Dione,Rhea,Titan,Hyperion,Iapetus,and Phoebe.Hope you like them.I will press on with the rest-
for Uranus,Neptune,& Charon.I'll also try to get the new models on a web site somewhere,I'll let you know when its done-Merry Xmas everyone Jestr

Posted: 21.12.2003, 21:40
by Guest
jestr wrote:Thanks a lot guys for your encouragement,I am reworking models and textures for other moons at the moment and have so far done the other
moons of Mars,Jupiter,and Saturn.

Hi Jestr,
if I cannot follow the new contributions in Celestia in this moment - this is why my catalogue is not updated, I am admiring of your formidable work :lol:
But that your enthusiasm does not waste it! Example, What are the downloadable final versions of your minor moons: For those which can't download the large files on your ftp site, it seems to me that the versions step by step on your Web site are not the same ones (reversed textures?) or I am mistaken?
(id est: which addresses do I have to indicate in my catalogue?) :?:

Another little thing: while starting to shoot images (to bring up to date my pages) of your beautiful creations, I found a small disadvantage for two moons:
Isono?: the 3ds file refers to a named texture ' KUIPER.JPG'
Thebe: the 3ds file refers to a named texture ' SSTROID.JPG'
Not about necessary textures ('isonoe.jpg' and 'thebe.jpg') and thus are illegible in Celestia.
?? :wink:
Hope that that can help, good continuation, Jeam Tag

Posted: 21.12.2003, 21:51
by Jeam Tag
last post was mine: i appeared as 'connected', but the server doesn't recognize me as 'logged'..curious.

So, I benefit from it to add, Jestr, which I had no problem with the Saturn moons, and as soon as I have time I put on line the page which presents them...

Posted: 21.12.2003, 23:21
by jestr
The latest versions of my MinorMoons textures are here
I just checked 'Thebe' and it was reversed like you say.This happened to all of the textures as I was making them tile properly after streching them.As they are all totally fictitious and I could not find any info regarding surface features or locations I figured it didnt make much difference to the model.When I made thebe however I tried to copy the shape from a previous model I found on the web and the texture I made for it ,fortunately had a feature in it that seemed to match with the big crater.So I uvw mapped it to line up with the model,when it got reversed I forgot about the crater.I have since realigned it though.If you want to change any of these textures at any time you DONT have to change anything in the ssc file,just make sure your new texture has the same name and format as mine and put it in the 'medres' folder.
You can check out my 'MajorMoons' addon at the above address also
it has a new model and texture for Mimas different to my original download.Hope you like them,cheers Jestr[/url]

Posted: 22.12.2003, 01:21
Wow Jestr!

I've finally had time to take a closer look at this, and I thank you for your considerable effort. I haven't had chance to look at each model yet, and I must ask if they are they all different ?

But before I go replacing all my minor moon models, I do appear to have some recent add-ons for the following minor moons, that I think have been created by Jack and Jens(Jim);
Puck, Larissa, Metis, Adrastea, Thebe, Prometheus, Epimetheus and Janus.
I think these have been modelled using actual images?
Maybe I shouldn't replace these? :wink:
