It's partially finished! Very partially...
The HUGE galileo xyz, in case you don't know about it already, is my attempt to make a trajectory for the full galileo mission, with detail of as high as 1 point per minute (real time) during close flybys of planets and moons during the mission.
So far, I have the entire mission with a basic set of 12,000 points. (One point every 10 hours.) This is more than accurate for interplanetary travel & cruise portions of the mission.
Then, for times when I need better detail, I've got many more points.
Details of high resolution portions so far...
- Launch - 01/nov/89 - 3000 points (leaving earth, going into heliocentric orbit)
- 01/feb/90 - 21/feb/90 - 1000 points (10 days before and after Venus gravity assist)
- 05/feb/90 - 16/feb/90 - 3000 points (very highres [5 min samples] for 5 days before and after the Venus gravity assist)
- 01/dec/90 - 18/dec/90 - 1000 points (9 days before and after the earth-1 gravity assist.)
- 07/dec/90 - 10/dec/90 - 4000 points (Portion of earth-1 flyby when Galileo was within the moon's orbit. Required because of Galileo's very close approach to the earth, which I have actually never seen before in 3d!)
You can download this partially completed part of the xyz from... ... (LINK NO LONGER WORKS - SEE BELOW) It's only a zipped xyz file however, the required ssc is here:
Code: Select all
"Galileo HIGH DETAIL xyz" "Sol"
Class "spacecraft"
Mesh "galileo.3ds"
Radius 0.01
InfoURL ""
Beginning 2447818.565972222
Ending 2452912.871527778
SampledOrbit ""
RotationPeriod 1.0e9 # Essentially no rotation . . .
Orientation [ 90 0 1 0 ]
Albedo 0.50
Please give me your feedback about whether it's detailed enough, too detailed, etc etc.
It will probably take me a good while to get it finished, but it will be the largest xyz file ever made also...