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At the end a good ISS model!

Posted: 10.10.2003, 22:45
by orion_nebula
Hi, due to the lack of a good ISS model for celestia, I've converted the ISS model for Orbiter and now I'm very satisfied with the result, no impact on FPS. Also I've updated the Orbital elements for today and it's accuracy is total. At the end a good ISS model for celestia!!! :lol:

Some screenshots:



*This night, at dusk I've seen the ISS from my home with a magnitude of -0.7 and 80? of Altitude, simply beautiful!

For those who don't know, there`s an excellent software for satellite tracking called Orbitron (freeware)


Posted: 10.10.2003, 22:59
by selden
So you're just going to tantalize us and not tell us if or where it can be downloaded???

It does look very good.

Posted: 10.10.2003, 23:19
by orion_nebula
Yes, here are the link (717 kb.): :lol:

Sorry, the HST model it's no longer available for now. :cry:

Good night from Spain

Posted: 10.10.2003, 23:50
Excellent model, however it seems that all the bitmap textures appear as mirror images when viewing in Celestia.

It might be worth converting them to jpg's ?

Also, I can see bh wanting to dock the shuttle Endeavour to this as well!


Posted: 11.10.2003, 00:02
by bh
Here we go again...great model orion_nebula. This has to be the best so far...even better than my last posting!

This will mean shuttle fans getting the latest 'rad' textures and other goodies!

Proper ODS config too!

Posted: 11.10.2003, 00:13
by orion_nebula
Please let me a moment so that i can correct the mirrored textures and the conversion to the JPG images.


Posted: 11.10.2003, 00:30
by selden
After carefully examining the completed ISS from all possible angles, I found that it is missing one critical item: the escape vehicle!

Its crew has abandoned the ISS!!!

What awful and terrifying events might have caused them to leave after all the effort and expense of completing its construction?!?!?


Of course, by that time the escape vehicle is likely to be something other than a Soyuz. There have been quite a few different designs proposed.

Posted: 11.10.2003, 00:30
by orion_nebula
Well, I've corrected the mirrored textures but when I made the conversion to the JPG format, the ISS becomes totally black thus I use BMP format.

The link is the same that on the above post

BH, I also would like to see the Endeavour docked to the ISS!!!

I would try to import the MIR...

Posted: 11.10.2003, 00:48
by orion_nebula

Posted: 11.10.2003, 01:06
by bh
These models are just looking really great...orion_nebula. I've a bit of work to do to blend in the shuttle models ( correct markings by Jack)...but I'll make it a sooner rather than later.

I wil pm you to make the combined models avialable off of the shuttle page...if thats OK!

I've never seen Mir looking so good!

Any ideas on the best nappys...groan!?

Posted: 11.10.2003, 01:12
by selden
No vehicle is docked at Mir, either!

Are we seeing a pattern here?
Have all our space stations been abandoned in orbit?? Have their personnel all been recalled? Or have they been reassigned to some far superior orbiting platform?

Tune in tomorrow for the exciting continuation to this deepening mystery!


Actually, I suspect the lack of vehicles is due to the source of the models. After all, you have to dock your spacecraft somewhere. That's just a bit difficult if there's already a vehicle using the docking rings!

Posted: 11.10.2003, 01:16
Of course, by that time the escape vehicle is likely to be something other than a Soyuz. There have been quite a few different designs proposed.

Yep, I think it's the X-38 that's the most famous of the prototypes that's been tested as a future escape vehicle.
Here's some info;

They could do with something better than the Soyuz, as it can only accomodate up to a maximum of 3 people :(

Posted: 11.10.2003, 01:22
by selden
bh wondered
Any ideas on the best nappys...groan!?

You might want to investigate diaper services. I dunno their availability in your area, but my understanding is that the ones in the U.S. wind up costing just about the same as disposables. They're much more "environmentally friendly," though, if that's important to you.

Posted: 11.10.2003, 01:35
by orion_nebula
Can somebody tell me an url with info about the the escape vehicle of the ISS so that i can put in the ISS model (the same for the MIR)


Would you like that I model the different ISS evolution models (1A, 2A,...)
each one in their correct time interval???

Good night.

Posted: 11.10.2003, 01:40
by ElPelado
Very good models!

Would you like that I model the different ISS evolution models (1A, 2A,...)
each one in their correct time interval???

That would be great!!!

Posted: 11.10.2003, 01:59
Would you like that I model the different ISS evolution models (1A, 2A,...)
each one in their correct time interval???

Yes, a good idea.
And if you really want to do it in style then you could show the ISS being constructed as per each relevant shuttle mission.
You could show each new piece being delivered in the cargo bay!


Posted: 11.10.2003, 02:22
by orion_nebula
Let me some time and soon I'll be back with news about the different ISS assembly modules.

Regards. :o

Posted: 11.10.2003, 02:25
by orion_nebula
Yes, a good idea.
And if you really want to do it in style then you could show the ISS being constructed as per each relevant shuttle mission.
You could show each new piece being delivered in the cargo bay!


I'll do it, stay tuned!! :D

bh, your shuttle models will support heavy payloads. :D :D

Regards and thanks, now it's time to to bed...[/quote]

Posted: 11.10.2003, 23:51
by Guest
orion_nebula...I think the shuttle will be able to handle these payloads!

Here's a couple of pics to get you going...

I'm still having trouble with the shuttle radiator textures...grrr.

The idea of watching the ISS getting built is very interesting...much more to come on this one I think. far as nappies (dypers?). We're not sure on Terrys or disposables. The constant washing of flannel nappies would mean sending a lot of detergent or other cleaning agents into the water supply...on the other hand...disposables nappies are going straight to landfill sites...perhaps an edible used nappy!?

Posted: 11.10.2003, 23:54
by bh
Sorry...I forgot to log in! ESB strikes again!!