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City Locations Updated

Posted: 31.07.2003, 00:40
by Darkmiss
I have Updated The City Locations file with many more Citys that was missing. ( more around the middle east and Asia )

Most of the major Citys are there, just a few more to find and add
and a few more islands to add later.

here is the list of added Citys

Hong Kong
Phnom Penh
Port Moresby
urlan Bator


Posted: 31.07.2003, 01:55
by billybob884
has the definition problem in this file been fixed yet?

Posted: 31.07.2003, 02:08
by Darkmiss
Yes all citys are catagorised as Citys now.
so you can turn them off from the Locations menu.

Re: City Locations Updated

Posted: 31.07.2003, 05:05
by don
Darkmiss wrote:I have Updated The City Locations file with many more Citys that was missing. ( more around the middle east and Asia )

Thanks for the update Darkmiss!

Is the filename and link the same? (

Posted: 31.07.2003, 12:56
by Darkmiss
Ah well done Don.
I completley forgot to put the download link in the post. :roll:

Yes. it's the same link. I just overwrote the pevious file.

Thanks again.

Posted: 31.07.2003, 20:40
by billybob884
Will this interfear with the earth-UNECE?

Posted: 31.07.2003, 21:16
by Darkmiss
billybob884 wrote:Will this interfear with the earth-UNECE?

That all depends on what that is Mike ?

Posted: 01.08.2003, 01:55
by don
billybob884 wrote:Will this interfear with the earth-UNECE?

This is Fridger's very large, perl-converted, UNECE (UN's City Locations?) database, Location file.

Right now, the best way to find out is to use both and see what happens. Sorry, but some changes may be on the way that will help. This is a brand new, pre-release Celestia function and these files are currently on the "bleeding edge", so please don't get too upset <smile>.

If you find a location that is messed up (too many labels) get the Longitude and Latitude (use Navigation/Go To... dialog) and then use a text editor to search one of the files (probably Fridger's UNECE) for that location. There may be several to find, so make sure you search the entire file making a note of the object names.

Then, go back through the file and change one or more of the following until it gives you satisfactory results:

* Size
* Importance
* Longitude (small changes)
* Latitude (small changes)

Size and Importance are used by Celestia to determine at what altitude to show the label. So, you could change either Size or Importance for all identical entries, except for the most important one, to be a very small number. This will allow the important one to be displayed first (highest altitude).

Hope this helps!

Posted: 01.08.2003, 10:41
by Darkmiss
Ah well the yes, you probably shouldnt use both files.
as fridgers file has city locations too and these would class.

the Earth-Citys file I updated was from Fridgers file in the first place.
but it included loads of telescopes, and observatorys, and had lots of eastern and southern citys missing.

I prefer to have one ssc file for each type
one for citys, one for observatorys, and so on.... not just mash the all into one file.

So i edited Fridgers ssc file, took out all the telescopes and observatorys
and kept most of the american locations, and built up the rest of the world location.
then added the City type, in the ssc file to enable the toggle within the location menu of Celestia.
and lowered some citys importance rating, for non capital citys.

I still have a few more citys to add
some more around Africa, and some more small islands too.